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µLauncher is an Android home screen that lets you launch apps using swipe gestures and button presses. It is minimal, efficient and free of distraction.

Your home screen only displays the date, time and a wallpaper. Pressing back or swiping up (this can be configured) opens a list of all installed apps, which can be searched efficiently.

This is a fork of finnmglas's app Launcher.

Get it on F-Droid Get it on Accrescent Get it on Obtainium Get it on GitHub

You can also get it on Google Play, but I don't recommend that.

screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot


There are several ways to contribute to this app:

  • You can add or improve translations.
    translation status
  • If you find a bug or have an idea for a new feature you can join the chat or open an issue. Please note that I work on this project in my free time. Thus I might not respond immediately and not all ideas will be implemented.
  • You can implement a new feature yourself:
    • Create a fork of this repository:
    • Create a new branch named feature/<your feature> or fix/<your fix> and commit your changes.
    • Open a new pull request.

See for instructions how to build this project. The CI pipeline automatically creates debug builds. Note that those are not signed.

Notable changes compared to Finn's Launcher:

  • Edge gestures: There is a setting to allow distinguishing swiping at the edges of the screen from swiping in the center.
  • Compatible with work profile, so apps like Shelter can be used.
  • The home button now works as expected.


  • This app uses the system wallpaper instead of a custom solution.
  • The font has been changed to Hack.
  • Font Awesome Icons were replaced by Material icons.
  • The gear button on the home screen was removed. Instead pressing back opens the list of applications and the app settings are accessible from there.


  • The search algorithm was modified to prefer matches at the beginning of the app name, i.e. when searching for "te", "termux" is sorted before "notes".
  • The search bar was moved to the bottom of the screen.


  • Small improvements to the gesture detection.
  • Different apps set as default.
  • Package name was changed to to avoid clashing with the original app.
  • Dropped support for API < 21 (i.e. pre Lollypop)
  • Some refactoring