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jrmwng committed Feb 19, 2016
1 parent b50e06e commit 74e7421
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Showing 27 changed files with 3,807 additions and 0 deletions.
221 changes: 221 additions & 0 deletions App2/App.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
#include "pch.h"
#include "App.h"

#include <ppltasks.h>

using namespace App2;

using namespace concurrency;
using namespace Windows::ApplicationModel;
using namespace Windows::ApplicationModel::Core;
using namespace Windows::ApplicationModel::Activation;
using namespace Windows::UI::Core;
using namespace Windows::UI::Input;
using namespace Windows::System;
using namespace Windows::Foundation;
using namespace Windows::Graphics::Display;

// The DirectX 12 Application template is documented at

// The main function is only used to initialize our IFrameworkView class.
int main(Platform::Array<Platform::String^>^)
auto direct3DApplicationSource = ref new Direct3DApplicationSource();
return 0;

IFrameworkView^ Direct3DApplicationSource::CreateView()
return ref new App();

App::App() :

// The first method called when the IFrameworkView is being created.
void App::Initialize(CoreApplicationView^ applicationView)
// Register event handlers for app lifecycle. This example includes Activated, so that we
// can make the CoreWindow active and start rendering on the window.
applicationView->Activated +=
ref new TypedEventHandler<CoreApplicationView^, IActivatedEventArgs^>(this, &App::OnActivated);

CoreApplication::Suspending +=
ref new EventHandler<SuspendingEventArgs^>(this, &App::OnSuspending);

CoreApplication::Resuming +=
ref new EventHandler<Platform::Object^>(this, &App::OnResuming);

// Called when the CoreWindow object is created (or re-created).
void App::SetWindow(CoreWindow^ window)
window->SizeChanged +=
ref new TypedEventHandler<CoreWindow^, WindowSizeChangedEventArgs^>(this, &App::OnWindowSizeChanged);

window->VisibilityChanged +=
ref new TypedEventHandler<CoreWindow^, VisibilityChangedEventArgs^>(this, &App::OnVisibilityChanged);

window->Closed +=
ref new TypedEventHandler<CoreWindow^, CoreWindowEventArgs^>(this, &App::OnWindowClosed);

DisplayInformation^ currentDisplayInformation = DisplayInformation::GetForCurrentView();

currentDisplayInformation->DpiChanged +=
ref new TypedEventHandler<DisplayInformation^, Object^>(this, &App::OnDpiChanged);

currentDisplayInformation->OrientationChanged +=
ref new TypedEventHandler<DisplayInformation^, Object^>(this, &App::OnOrientationChanged);

DisplayInformation::DisplayContentsInvalidated +=
ref new TypedEventHandler<DisplayInformation^, Object^>(this, &App::OnDisplayContentsInvalidated);

// Initializes scene resources, or loads a previously saved app state.
void App::Load(Platform::String^ entryPoint)
if (m_main == nullptr)
m_main = std::unique_ptr<App2Main>(new App2Main());

// This method is called after the window becomes active.
void App::Run()
while (!m_windowClosed)
if (m_windowVisible)

auto commandQueue = GetDeviceResources()->GetCommandQueue();
PIXBeginEvent(commandQueue, 0, L"Update");

PIXBeginEvent(commandQueue, 0, L"Render");
if (m_main->Render())

// Required for IFrameworkView.
// Terminate events do not cause Uninitialize to be called. It will be called if your IFrameworkView
// class is torn down while the app is in the foreground.
void App::Uninitialize()

// Application lifecycle event handlers.

void App::OnActivated(CoreApplicationView^ applicationView, IActivatedEventArgs^ args)
// Run() won't start until the CoreWindow is activated.

void App::OnSuspending(Platform::Object^ sender, SuspendingEventArgs^ args)
// Save app state asynchronously after requesting a deferral. Holding a deferral
// indicates that the application is busy performing suspending operations. Be
// aware that a deferral may not be held indefinitely. After about five seconds,
// the app will be forced to exit.
SuspendingDeferral^ deferral = args->SuspendingOperation->GetDeferral();

create_task([this, deferral]()
// TODO: Insert your code here.


void App::OnResuming(Platform::Object^ sender, Platform::Object^ args)
// Restore any data or state that was unloaded on suspend. By default, data
// and state are persisted when resuming from suspend. Note that this event
// does not occur if the app was previously terminated.

// TODO: Insert your code here.

// Window event handlers.

void App::OnWindowSizeChanged(CoreWindow^ sender, WindowSizeChangedEventArgs^ args)
GetDeviceResources()->SetLogicalSize(Size(sender->Bounds.Width, sender->Bounds.Height));

void App::OnVisibilityChanged(CoreWindow^ sender, VisibilityChangedEventArgs^ args)
m_windowVisible = args->Visible;

void App::OnWindowClosed(CoreWindow^ sender, CoreWindowEventArgs^ args)
m_windowClosed = true;

// DisplayInformation event handlers.

void App::OnDpiChanged(DisplayInformation^ sender, Object^ args)
// Note: The value for LogicalDpi retrieved here may not match the effective DPI of the app
// if it is being scaled for high resolution devices. Once the DPI is set on DeviceResources,
// you should always retrieve it using the GetDpi method.
// See DeviceResources.cpp for more details.

void App::OnOrientationChanged(DisplayInformation^ sender, Object^ args)

void App::OnDisplayContentsInvalidated(DisplayInformation^ sender, Object^ args)

std::shared_ptr<DX::DeviceResources> App::GetDeviceResources()
if (m_deviceResources != nullptr && m_deviceResources->IsDeviceRemoved())
// All references to the existing D3D device must be released before a new device
// can be created.

m_deviceResources = nullptr;

if (m_deviceResources == nullptr)
m_deviceResources = std::make_shared<DX::DeviceResources>();
return m_deviceResources;
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions App2/App.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#pragma once

#include "pch.h"
#include "Common\DeviceResources.h"
#include "App2Main.h"

namespace App2
// Main entry point for our app. Connects the app with the Windows shell and handles application lifecycle events.
ref class App sealed : public Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::IFrameworkView

// IFrameworkView methods.
virtual void Initialize(Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::CoreApplicationView^ applicationView);
virtual void SetWindow(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ window);
virtual void Load(Platform::String^ entryPoint);
virtual void Run();
virtual void Uninitialize();

// Application lifecycle event handlers.
void OnActivated(Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::CoreApplicationView^ applicationView, Windows::ApplicationModel::Activation::IActivatedEventArgs^ args);
void OnSuspending(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::ApplicationModel::SuspendingEventArgs^ args);
void OnResuming(Platform::Object^ sender, Platform::Object^ args);

// Window event handlers.
void OnWindowSizeChanged(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ sender, Windows::UI::Core::WindowSizeChangedEventArgs^ args);
void OnVisibilityChanged(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ sender, Windows::UI::Core::VisibilityChangedEventArgs^ args);
void OnWindowClosed(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ sender, Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindowEventArgs^ args);

// DisplayInformation event handlers.
void OnDpiChanged(Windows::Graphics::Display::DisplayInformation^ sender, Platform::Object^ args);
void OnOrientationChanged(Windows::Graphics::Display::DisplayInformation^ sender, Platform::Object^ args);
void OnDisplayContentsInvalidated(Windows::Graphics::Display::DisplayInformation^ sender, Platform::Object^ args);

// Private accessor for m_deviceResources, protects against device removed errors.
std::shared_ptr<DX::DeviceResources> GetDeviceResources();

std::shared_ptr<DX::DeviceResources> m_deviceResources;
std::unique_ptr<App2Main> m_main;
bool m_windowClosed;
bool m_windowVisible;

ref class Direct3DApplicationSource sealed : Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::IFrameworkViewSource
virtual Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::IFrameworkView^ CreateView();

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