brew install libcsv
ruby benchmark.rb
ruby benchmark.rb <csv file>
ruby benchmark.rb --only-fast
ruby benchmark.rb --only-fastest
- fastcsv: fast and full CSV support
- rcsv: fast, but differs in behavior from Ruby's
- excelsior: fast, but fails several edges cases
- fastest-csv: fast, but incorrectly parses multiline fields
- ccsv: fast, but incorrectly parses quoted fields, including multiline fields
- bamfcsv: not as fast, but best error handling
- lightcsv: as slow as standard library
- smarter_csv: slower than standard library
- fasterer-csv: errors on valid input
Output from running only fastest on OpenlyLocal's 1.2G CSV of council spending (83MB ZIP):
user system total real
csv 84.990000 0.930000 85.920000 ( 85.998271)
excelsior 35.370000 0.860000 36.230000 ( 36.601276)
ccsv 15.890000 0.680000 16.570000 ( 16.685589)
fastcsv 18.840000 0.760000 19.600000 ( 19.680719)
fastest-csv 15.310000 0.740000 16.050000 ( 16.108917)
rcsv 22.290000 1.260000 23.550000 ( 24.238066)
Test files from original repository:
- presidents.csv: See People Software
- geoip.csv: MaxMind (can also try this larger file)
Tests the fastcsv, rcsv, bamfcsv, excelsior, fastest-csv and ccsv CSV implementations:
ruby csv_spec.rb