With this project, you can deploy a fully-fonctionnal distributed (or not) hublin infrastructure.
You can deploy it to make tests on your computer using, for example, virtualbox vms, or you can use it to add hublin slaves in production using hubl.in as a master server.
Be carefull however, hubl.in asn't yet been configured to be compatible with this project.
Before deploying anything, make sure you have access to root account of all the hosts you need to deploy via ssh.
Also, you need to put hostnames in inventory so if your hosts aren't registered in a DNS server, you need to add them in your /etc/hosts file.
The first thing you need to do before deploying is to configure your deployment using config.yml file.
The file can be used as it because it provides default values for all variables that are valid in most cases.
All the configuration options are documented in the file so they must be easy to understand.
If you need to override a variable only for one host, you can use a file in host_vars directory.
The file must be named the hostname of the concerned host.
Certificates you set in conf file must be placed in certs directory before launch your deployment.
Edit inventory file and place all remote hostnames into hublin-slave group like below :
Run the following command to start deployment :
ansible-playbook -i inventory hublin.yml
You must have ssh root access to the remote host.
Edit inventory file and place localhost into hublin-slave-local group like below :
Run the following command to start deployment :
ansible-playbook -i inventory hublin.yml
Edit inventory file and place localhost into hublin-slave-local group like below :
Run the following command to start deployment :
ansible-playbook -i inventory hublin.yml
Put all kind of hosts in your inventory and run the command above.
More to come ...