Shad0wBrigde C2 is a swiss army knife C2 server. The server comes with a Python, Golang and Rust variant, allowing the server to be run from a variety of locations. Shad0wBridge also contains various implants for Windows and Linux Operating Systems.
This project is being created out of a need for a platform to use for internal red teaming and C2 connection/behavior detection. The intention is to have the server component available in Python, Golang and Rust, to allow versatility of where the C2 server can be spun up.
Due to the need to compile a python implant into an exe for windows, Shad0wBridge C2 is meant to have the server component run on windows OS. A linux variation will be available soon. This only matters if you plan to use the python variant of the exeplant.
Implants will be available for multiple operating systems and will be dynamically generated by the server.
- C2 Server
- Python3 C2 Server
- Golang C2 Server
- Rust C2 Server
- Windows Implant
- Python Implant
- Golang Implant
- Executable Implant
- Powershell Cradle
- Linux Implant
- Python Implant
- Golang Implant
- Basic Command & Control functionality
- CMD Commands
- SH Commands
- Basic Persistence
- Linux Cronjob
- Windows Registry Autorun
- Encoded payloads
- Encrypted payloads
- Staged payloads
Listener Commands
listeners -g --generate --> Generate Listener
Session Commands
sessions -l --list --> List Sessions
sessions -i --interact --> Interact with Session
sessions -k --kill <value> --> Kill Active Session
Payload Commands
winplant py --> Windows Python Implant
exeplant py --> Windows Executable Implant (Python)
linplant py --> Linux Python Implant
pshell_shell --> Powershell Implant
Client Commands
persist / pt --> Persist Payload (After Interacting with Session)
background / bg --> Background Session
exit --> Kill Client Connection
Misc Commands
help / h --> Show Help Menu
clear / cls --> Clear Screen