This is a fork of the ciscosparkbot project, which provided an example of how to create a (then) Cisco Spark bot using the ciscosparkapi sdk. This fork is designed as a companion to the webex-api-emulator to provide an example of a python based bot that regression tests could be created for.
Please see the bot-test-framework-example project to see a full example of how to create and run a regression test against this bot.
It must be possible to configure the bot to send Webex API requests to the emulator rather than the real Webex API endpoint. To accomplish this we made to changes to the original project.
In the main bot code, we check to see if the environment variable SPARK_API_URL is set. If so, we pass it into the contructor for the SparkBot
if os.getenv("SPARK_API_URL"):
bot = SparkBot(bot_app_name, spark_bot_token=spark_token,
spark_bot_url=bot_url, spark_bot_email=bot_email, debug=True)
bot = SparkBot(bot_app_name, spark_bot_token=spark_token,
spark_bot_url=bot_url, spark_bot_email=bot_email, debug=True)
Similarly, in the ciscosparkbot implementation we pass this on to the CiscoSparkAPI sdk constructor if set:
if (spark_api_url):
self.spark = CiscoSparkAPI(access_token=spark_bot_token, base_url=spark_api_url)
self.spark = CiscoSparkAPI(access_token=spark_bot_token)
First setup your virtualenv:
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install ciscosparkbot
To run this bot so that it will work in conjunction with the bot-test-framework-example](, ensure that the webex-api-emulator is running as described there.
This sample reads its configuration from the environment, ie:
# Retrieve required details from environment variables
bot_email = os.getenv("SPARK_BOT_EMAIL")
spark_token = os.getenv("SPARK_BOT_TOKEN")
bot_url = os.getenv("SPARK_BOT_URL")
bot_app_name = os.getenv("SPARK_BOT_APP_NAME")
To set these so they work with the webex-api-emulator as follows:
SPARK_BOT_EMAIL="[email protected]" SPARK_BOT_TOKEN="ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA9876543210" SPARK_BOT_URL="http://localhost:7000" SPARK_BOT_APP_NAME="webex-bot-python" SPARK_API_URL="http://localhost:3210/" python
Once the bot is up and running you can proceed with the step-by-step instructions in the bot-test-framework-example README.
What follows is the readme from the original project.
A flask based Bot for Cisco spark
If you don't already have a Cisco Spark account, go ahead and register for one. They are free. You'll need to start by adding your bot to the Cisco Spark website.
- Click create bot
- Fill out all the details about your bot, including a publicly hosted avatar image. A sample avatar is available at
- Click "Add Bot", make sure to copy your access token, you will need this in a second
Create a virtualenv and install the module
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install ciscosparkbot
The easiest way to use this module is to set a few environment variables
export SPARK_BOT_TOKEN=<your bots token>
export SPARK_BOT_EMAIL=<your bots email?
export SPARK_BOT_APP_NAME=<your bots name>
A sample script is also provided for your convenience
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Sample code for using ciscosparkbot
import os
from ciscosparkbot import SparkBot
__author__ = "imapex"
__author_email__ = "[email protected]"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc."
__license__ = "Apache 2.0"
# Retrieve required details from environment variables
bot_email = os.getenv("SPARK_BOT_EMAIL")
spark_token = os.getenv("SPARK_BOT_TOKEN")
bot_url = os.getenv("SPARK_BOT_URL")
bot_app_name = os.getenv("SPARK_BOT_APP_NAME")
def do_something(incoming_msg):
Sample function to do some action.
:param incoming_msg: The incoming message object from Spark
:return: A text or markdown based reply
return "i did what you said - {}".format(incoming_msg.text)
# Create a new bot
bot = SparkBot(bot_app_name, spark_bot_token=spark_token,
spark_bot_url=bot_url, spark_bot_email=bot_email, debug=True)
# Add new command
bot.add_command('/dosomething', 'help for do something', do_something)
# Run Bot'', port=5000)
ngrok will make easy for you to develop your code with a live bot.
You can find installation instructions here:
After you've installed ngrok, in another window start the service
ngrok http 5000
You should see a screen that looks like this:
ngrok by @inconshreveable (Ctrl+C to quit)
Session Status online
Version 2.2.4
Region United States (us)
Web Interface
Forwarding -> localhost:5000
Forwarding -> localhost:5000
Connections ttl opn rt1 rt5 p50 p90
2 0 0.00 0.00 0.77 1.16
HTTP Requests
POST / 200 OK
Make sure and update your environment with this url:
Now launch your bot!!
If you have an idea for a feature you would like to see, we gladly accept pull requests. To get started developing, simply run the following..
git clone
cd virlutils
pip install -r test-requirements.txt
python develop
We use flake 8 to lint our code. Please keep the repository clean by running:
Tests are located in the tests directory.
To run the tests in the tests
folder, you can run the following command
from the project root.
coverage run --source=ciscosparkbot test
coverage html
This will generate a code coverage report in a directory called htmlcov