Firmware to control an aquaponics system using Sonoff Dual R2. The Sonoff Dual R2 has two relays to control the pumps, the firmware acts as a timer to control the rely and provides a RestApi to control the pumps from OpenHab or HomeAssistant. The Sonoff curcuit board is removed from the orginal Sonoff enclosure and put into a weather proof enclosure ordered from Amazon.
The Sonoff uses a ESP8266 Wifi chip, so this section discusses flashing the ESP8266 chip on the Sonoff Dual R2. For more details google: "Arduino ESP8266"
Download Arduino IDE.
Open you IDE and click on "File -> Preferences".
In "Aditional Boards Manager URLs" add this line and click on "OK": ""
Go to "Tools -> Board -> Boards Manager", type "ESP8266" and install it.
Go again to "Tools -> Board" and select "Generic ESP8266 Module".
Place a jumper on the pins labeled BUTTON 0 and GND, without this the Sonoff does not enter flash mode.
Connect the TTL programmer to programming header pins on the Sonoff. You must cross over the RX->TX and TX-RX. So from the promgrammer connect TX -> RX on the Sonoff and RX to TX on the Sonoff. Connect 3.3v and GND.
Plug in the programmer your computer.
Using Adruino IDE, open "firmware.ino" from this project.
From the menu: Tool -> Boards -> "Generic ESP8266 Module"
After selecting the board change the following defaults from the Tool menu:
Flash Mode: DOUT (compatiable)
Flash Size: 1M (no spiff)
Port: <select your programmer from the list>
- Programming the Sonoff by clickign to "Upload" icon