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Default lang en.yml

Jason edited this page Apr 28, 2022 · 11 revisions

This is the default language file shipped with the plugin. You can edit this file directly, or copy it to a new file to make your own edits. You can specify which file to use in config.yml

render-in-progress: <red>A render is already in progress on <world>
render-not-in-progress: <red>No renders running for <world>
cancelled-render: <green>Render cancelled for <world>
successfully-reset-map: <green>Successfully reset map for <world>
paused-renders: <green>Paused renders for <world>
unpaused-renders: <green>Unpaused renders for <world>
        console-must-specify-player: <red>You must specify a target player when running
            this command from console
        player-not-found-for-input: <red>No player found for input '<input>'
        console-must-specify-world: <red>You must specify the world when running this
            command from console
        no-such-world: <red>No such world '<world>'
        map-not-enabled-for-world: <red>Map is not enabled for world '<world>'
        confirmation-required: <red>Confirmation required. Confirm using /<command>
        no-pending-commands: <red>You don't have any pending commands.
            enabled: <green>Render progress logging has been enabled.
            disabled: <green>Render progress logging has been disabled.
            set-rate: <green>Render progress logging interval has been set to </green><seconds>
            statusmessage: 'Render progress logging enabled: <enabled>, interval:
                <green><seconds></green> seconds'
    prefix: '<white>[<gradient:#C028FF:#5B00FF>squaremap</gradient>]</white> '
        help: Get help for squaremap commands
        resetmap: Resets the map of a specified world
        confirm: Confirm a pending command
        reload: Reloads the plugin
        full-render: Starts a full render for the specified world
        cancel-render: Cancels a render for the specified world
        pause-render: Pauses all renders for the specified world
        radius-render: Starts a radius render
            status: Prints the current settings for render progress logging
            toggle: Toggles render progress logging on or off
            rate: Sets the interval in seconds for logging render progress
        hide: Hide a player from the map view
        show: Show a player on the map view
        optional-world: Defaults to the players current world if not provided
        optional-center: Defaults to (<white>0<gray>,</gray> 0</white>) if unspecified
        optional-player: Defaults to the executing player if unspecified (console
            must specify a player)
        help-query: Help Query
        already-hidden: <red><player> is already hidden from map
        hidden: <green><player> is now hidden from map
        not-hidden: <red><player> is not hidden from map
        shown: <green><player> is no longer hidden from map
click-for-help: Click for help
click-to-confirm: Click to confirm
click-to-toggle: Click to toggle
plugin-reloaded: <green><name> v<version> reloaded
    page-title: squaremap - {world}
    coordinates: Coordinates<br/>{x}, {z}
        player-list: Players ({cur}/{max})
        world-list: Worlds
        player-tracker: Players
        world-spawn: Spawn
        world-border: World Border
    started-full-render: Started full map render for <world>
    started-radius-render: Started radius map render for <world>
    scanning-region-files: Scanning region files... (this may take a moment)
    found-total-region-files: Found <total> region files
    finished-rendering: Finished rendering map for <world>
    cancelled-rendering: Rendering map for <world> has been interrupted
    resumed-rendering: Rendering map for <world> has been resumed
    scanning-region-progress: '(<percent>) World: <world> Chunks: <current_chunks>/<total_chunks>
        Elapsed: <elapsed> ETA: <eta> Rate: <rate> cps'
    scanning-region-progress-with-regions: '(<percent>) World: <world> Regions: <current_regions>/<total_regions>
        Chunks: <current_chunks>/<total_chunks> Elapsed: <elapsed> ETA: <eta> Rate:
        <rate> cps'
    internal-web-disabled: Internal webserver is disabled in config.yml
    internal-web-started: Internal webserver running on <bind>:<port>
    internal-web-stopped: Internal webserver stopped
    internal-web-start-error: Internal webserver could not start
    could-not-create-directory: Could not create directory! <path>
    could-not-read-region: Could not read map image for region <x>,<z> (image corrupted?).
        It will be overwritten.
    could-not-save-region: Could not save map for region <x>,<z>
    internal-web-not-running: An error occurred with the internal webserver
        fetching-version-information: Fetching version information...
        behind-branch: squaremap is <behind> version(s) behind branch '<branch>'!
        download-dev-builds: Download dev builds from <link>
        unknown-commit: Unknown commit '<commit>', cannot check for updates.
        behind-releases: squaremap is <behind> version(s) out of date.
        download-release: Download the latest release (<latest>) from <link>