Website deployed at: Heroku
Instagram Clone Backend based on FastAPI and Async MongoDB.
Including routes for User, PostCreate, Comment and its authentication using OAuth and JWT scheme.
openapi.json is a generated client for TypeScript to be used for interfaces and classes implementation for an upcoming React frontend.
Python 3.10+
- First, clone repository:
git clone
- Change directory to root project with:
cd InstagramClone
- Create your git branch with the following:
git checkout -b <new_branch>
For <new_branch> use some convention as following:
Or if some work in progress (WIP) or bug shows up, you can use:
- Switch to your branch:
git checkout <new_branch>
- Before you start working on some section, retrieve the latest changes with:
git pull
- Add your new files and changes:
git add .
- Make your commit with a reference message about the fix/changes.
git commit -m "Commit message"
- First push for remote branch:
git push --set-upstream origin <new_branch>
- Latter pushes:
git push origin
- Create a virtual environment 'sample_venv' with:
python3 -m venv sample_venv
- Activate environment in Windows with:
- Or with Unix or Mac:
source sample_venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn main:app --host --port
Rename sample.env to .env and replace your SMTP e-mail credentials.
Use docstrings with reStructuredText format by adding triple double quotes
""" after function definition.
Add a brief function description, also for the parameters including the return
value and its corresponding data type.
If you want to give more style and a better format to this file,
check documentation
at GitHub Docs.
Please use linting to check your code quality
following PEP 8. Check documentation
for Visual Studio Code
for Jetbrains Pycharm.
Recommended plugin for
autocompletion: Tabnine