Python script for parsing and reporting on AWS Service Health Dashboard data
python3 -m venv .
source ./bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
223 known services and 25 regions
1 current issues, 83 archived issues for 371 days
For more specific detail please specify a service name, region name, or both.
For a list of services specify 'services', for a list of regions specify 'regions'.
Example Usage:
$> ./ services
$> ./ lambda eu-west-1
./ lambda eu-west-2
223 known services and 25 regions
1 current issues, 83 archived issues for 371 days
0 current issues, 0 archived issues for lambda in eu-west-2
./ eu-west-2
223 known services and 25 regions
1 current issues, 83 archived issues for 371 days
0 current issues, 1 archived issues for all services in eu-west-2
Archived Issues:
"date": "2022-07-10 17:56:38",
"description": "10:56 AM PDT\u00a0We are investigating ...",
"duration_mins": 191.0,
"region_code": "eu-west-2",
"region_name": "London",
"service_code": "ec2",
"service_name": "Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud",
"summary": "[RESOLVED] Impaired EC2 Instances",
"timeline": [
"10:56 AM PDT",
"We are investigating instance impairments in a single Availability Zone ..."
"11:13 AM PDT",
"Some instances in a single Availability Zone are ..."
"11:55 AM PDT",
"We continue to investigate ..."
"12:25 PM PDT",
"We have resolved the root cause ..."
"1:01 PM PDT",
"We continue to make progress in ..."
"1:53 PM PDT",
"We have resolved the impairments for ..."
"2:07 PM PDT",
"Starting at 10:25 AM PDT, some EC2 instances ..."
"timestamp": 1657475798
./ lambda
223 known services and 25 regions
1 current issues, 83 archived issues for 371 days
0 current issues, 2 archived issues for lambda in all regions
Archived Issues: