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Merge pull request #20 from jpb06/fix/jest-memory-leaks
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Fix/jest memory leaks
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jpb06 authored Nov 28, 2021
2 parents 5b685af + c77c3f7 commit f88e84b
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Showing 24 changed files with 538 additions and 285 deletions.
101 changes: 92 additions & 9 deletions .eslintrc.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,31 +1,84 @@
root: true

parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser'

project: './tsconfig.json'
sourceType: 'module'
project: ./tsconfig.json
sourceType: module

- '@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin'
- prettier
- import

root: true
- jest

- eslint:recommended
- plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended
- plugin:prettier/recommended
- plugin:import/typescript
- plugin:jest/recommended
- plugin:jest/style

jest: true
node: true

'@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any': off
'@typescript-eslint/interface-name-prefix': off
'@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type': off
'@typescript-eslint/await-thenable': error
'@typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types': off
'@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type': error
'@typescript-eslint/explicit-member-accessibility': off
'@typescript-eslint/indent': off
'@typescript-eslint/interface-name-prefix': off
'@typescript-eslint/member-delimiter-style': off
'@typescript-eslint/member-ordering': error
'@typescript-eslint/no-confusing-non-null-assertion': error
'@typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface': off
'@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any': error
'@typescript-eslint/no-extra-non-null-assertion': error
- error
- ignoreVoid: true
'@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion': error
'@typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define': off
- error
- argsIgnorePattern: '^_'
'@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires': off
'@typescript-eslint/switch-exhaustiveness-check': error
- error
- consistent
- error
- never
array-callback-return: error
- error
brace-style: error
- off
- properties: never
complexity: error
- error
- never
- error
- all
default-case: off
default-case-last: off
- error
- property
dot-notation: error
eqeqeq: error
eol-last: error
- error
- never
func-style: error
import/no-unresolved: off
- error
Expand All @@ -38,14 +91,44 @@ rules:
order: 'asc'
- pattern: '@nestjs/**'
group: external
- pattern: '{@tests/**,@type/**,@modules/**,@database/**,@decorators/**,@filters/**,@pipes/**}'
group: internal
position: before
- builtin
jest/no-conditional-expect: off
key-spacing: error
keyword-spacing: error
lines-between-class-members: error
newline-per-chained-call: off
- error
- allow: [warn, error]
- allow:
- warn
- error
no-dupe-keys: error
no-else-return: error
no-implicit-coercion: error
no-invalid-this: error
no-lonely-if: error
no-multi-spaces: error
no-return-await: error
no-trailing-spaces: error
no-useless-return: error
no-unneeded-ternary: error
- error
prefer-const: error
- error
- endOfLine: auto
- error
- never
valid-typeof: error
- error
- assertFunctionNames:
- expect
- request.**.expect
17 changes: 14 additions & 3 deletions .github/workflows/checks.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
name: checks
on: [push]
- master
types: [opened, synchronize, reopened]
name: Main workflow
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -27,7 +32,7 @@ jobs:
node-version: '16.x'

- name: Setting yarn version
run: yarn policies set-version 1.22.10
run: yarn policies set-version 1.22.17

- name: Install dependencies
run: yarn install --prefer-offline
Expand All @@ -43,3 +48,9 @@ jobs:

- name: Generating coverage badges
uses: jpb06/[email protected]

- name: SonarCloud Scan
uses: sonarsource/sonarcloud-github-action@master
43 changes: 27 additions & 16 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
# Sandbox

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Expand Down Expand Up @@ -30,71 +35,77 @@ So let's talk about the stack (pushing on an open door here, but hey):

## :zap: Guidelines

### :diamonds: Schema splitting
### 🔶 Schema splitting

We do not want a huge prisma schema. We want to isolate each model (table or set of tables) in its own file.

### :diamonds: Well documented routes
### 🔶 Well documented routes

Let's have a swagger documenting properly exposed routes, that is mainly for each route:

- a description.
- the list of possible responses.
- a definition of the inputs and outputs.

### :diamonds: Full testing coverage
### 🔶 Full testing coverage

We want to test everything to learn how to properly test, and to face every single difficulty that comes with testing. We will at very least do end to end using superagent, controllers testing, service testing.

### :diamonds: No testing against the database
### 🔶 No testing against the database

All tests should run without any interaction with a database.

## :zap: Usage

### :diamonds: run locally
### 🔶 run locally

:point_down: Since our prisma schemas are split within modules, we will have to merge them all in one file prisma can understand. Let's do just that:
#### 👇 Since our prisma schemas are split within modules, we will have to merge them all in one file prisma can understand. Let's do just that:

yarn prisma:merge

:point_down: Now, we need to tell prisma to generate in node_modules the code actually allowing us to interact with the database:
#### 👇 Now, we need to tell prisma to generate in node_modules the code actually allowing us to interact with the database:

yarn prisma:gen

:point_down: You will need docker and docker-compose to get the postgres database up and running. You can use this command to launch the database container:
#### 👇 You will need docker and docker-compose to get the postgres database up and running. You can use this command to launch the database container:

yarn dev:db
yarn docker

:point_down: Then, let's inject some data in our dev database using:
#### 👇 Then, let's inject some data in our dev database using:

yarn prisma:seed

:point_down: We can now launch the backend in dev:
#### 👇 We can now launch the backend in dev:

yarn dev

### :diamonds: test all the things
#### 😵 You can do the merge, gen & seed steps all at once using the following command:

yarn dev:db

### 🔶 test all the things

:point_down: We can run all the tests and get a coverage report using the following:
🔶 We can run all the tests and get a coverage report using the following:

yarn test:dev

## :zap: Subjects

### :diamonds: Authentication
### 🔶 Authentication

Let's use passport to setup jwt based authentication.

Expand All @@ -121,7 +132,7 @@ We have two users in database to play with the routes:
- :white_check_mark: services
- :white_check_mark: local passport strategy

### :diamonds: CRUD
### 🔶 CRUD

Let's create CRUD routes to manage a list of books.
We want to make sure to give a proper feedback when foreign keys violations do occur (when we try to delete an entry whose key is referenced in another table or when we try to update an entry with a foreign key that does not exist). Let's use filters for that!
Expand Down
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions jest.config.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,22 +1,28 @@
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */
const { pathsToModuleNameMapper } = require('ts-jest/utils');

const {
compilerOptions: { paths: tsconfigPaths },
} = require('./tsconfig');

module.exports = {
roots: ['<rootDir>/src/'],
logHeapUsage: true,
moduleFileExtensions: ['js', 'json', 'ts'],
moduleNameMapper: {
...pathsToModuleNameMapper(tsconfigPaths, { prefix: '<rootDir>/src' }),
testRegex: '\\.(test|spec)\\.ts$',
transform: {
'^.+\\.(t|j)s$': 'ts-jest',
'^.+\\.ts$': 'ts-jest',
collectCoverageFrom: ['**/*.ts'],
coveragePathIgnorePatterns: ['/tests-related/', '.dto\\.ts'],
coverageDirectory: './coverage',
testEnvironment: 'node',
coverageReporters: ['json-summary', 'text', 'lcov'],
globals: {
'ts-jest': {
isolatedModules: true,

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