Based on my infatuation with Elixir and Odin, along with practicalities of JS
TLDR - A hammer so I can see the world as a nail
// Everything is a module. This is familiar to Elixir,
// but differs in that there are explicit declarations for
// dependencies, behaviours, macros, and system deps.
Arcane.Users :: module (
deps: []
sys: []
expands: []
contracts: []
) => {
// Arrow Syntax from JS
// Type system for declaring new types
__MODULE__ :: struct => {
name@String: ""
email@String: ""
// Declaration syntax from Odin/Jai
searchUser(%{email: String} | %{name: String}) -> __MODULE__ :: args@?(
// Automatic variable binding: email maps to `email: email`
(%{email}) => Repo.get_by(email: email)
(%{name}) => Repo.get_by(name: name)
_args => Error("Invalid Args")
getUsers(String) -> __MODULE__ :: (name) => {
//Using creates a block which automatically cleans after scope close
arena <- * 1024)
repo <- Repo.connect()
file <- File.write("data.txt") => {
// Arenas are part of the standard library to help create predictable performance
twenty_four <- Arena.alloc(24 arena)
// Type declaration after statement
query@String ="select * from users where name = '#{name}'" arena)
// implicit type casting
result <- Repo.query(query repo arena)
// Nix like matching handles conditionals
Ok(data) => File.write(data file)
Error(msg) => Error(msg)
// Arena, Repo, and File would all call dispose() after the scope ends
// Catch statement familiar to with/else in Elixir
error@ConnectError(msg) => Error("failed to connect ${msg}")
error@WriteError(msg) => Error("failed to write ${msg}")
error => Error("Unexpected: ${msg}")
createUser(String String) -> __MODULE__ :: (name email) => {
|> Map.put(:name name)
|> Map.put(:email email)
|> ensure_unique()
|> @?(
%User{} = user => Ok(user)
error => Error(error)
* Docs attached to function headers via multi line comments
getAllNames(^list(User) list(User)) -> String.t() :: args@?(
// Looping is done via recursion. The compiler is TCO'd so that it performs and behaves the same as loops
// via jump/jump not equal
// Head/Tail recursion available
(users*@[user | rest] out = []) => {
out = [ | out]
getAllNames(rest out)
// Matching on an empty string, and a list with User types
(users*@[] out@list(User)) => Arcane.List.reverse(out)
flowchart TD
A[Source Code] --> B[Lexer]
B --> C[Parser]
C --> D[AST]
D --> E[S-expressions]
E --> F[LLVM IR Generator]
E --> G[Nix Expression Generator]
F --> H[LLVM Backend]
G --> I[Nix Evaluator]
H --> J[Native Binary]
I --> K[Nix Store Path]
note1[Other Backends]
note2[System configuration]
note3[Runtime execution]
E -.- note1
I -.- note2
J -.- note3
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