File Time Changer is a simple Golang application to change the time modified of any file on a system. This native-go application uses 0 external dependancies, meaning all the code that I have written only uses official go packages. Note: This project has only been tested on OSX
Back in high school, I was having a conversation with my computer science teacher about file timestamps and he mentioned that it is possible to modify file timestamps. Fast forward to my internship in San Francisco during the summer of 2019 and while I was on my commute home thinking of a side project to write that moment popped into my head. With no other 'better' ideas and with an eagerness to improve on my golang skills I decided to use that conversation as my motivation to improve my golang skills.
TODO: After unit tests are written add project to Travis-CI
- Golang
Note: This application is a zero-dependancy go-native project.
Build Tool(s)
- Make
TODO: Write Tests
- Make
- Go
make run
make build
make run-only
make fmt