Use functions to create a "where" object that can be used for
Starting with a SQL string:
WHERE key1 <= value AND key1 > value2 AND key3=value3
gets parsed into (using fromSQL
which gets converted to (using parseWhereQuery
or evil eval
for passing to $.parse.get
- Client Side: jQuery and jQuery-Parse
- _~ OR ~_ Server Side: NodeJS
$op Name === ==== : Equal To $lt Less Than $lte Less Than Or Equal To $gt Greater Than $gte Greater Than Or Equal To $ne Not Equal To $in Contained In $nin Not Contained in $exists A value is set for the key $regex Regular Expressions
For functional notation, remove the '$'.
SQL: "WHERE x > 100"
- becomes Where Function Chain: where('x').gt(100)
- becomes WhereClause Object: {"x":{"$gt":100}}
- becomes Query String: '?where={"x":{"$gt":100}}'
Additional query constraints that can be given at the end of the the Where Clause: limit skip order include count
Also, desc
can be given after order
. So order('x').desc()
becomes '&limit=-x' appended to the Query String.
Note this must be appended to the Query String (1st argument of
whereQ.toString(1) === '{"score":{"$exists":true}}';
whereQ.toString() === '?where={"score":{"$exists":true}}';
$.parse.get('GameScore', whereQ, callback); // ok
$.parse.get('GameScore' + whereQ, callback); // better
$.parse.get('GameScore', whereLimit, callback); // NOT OK!
$.parse.get('GameScore' + whereLimit, callback); // ok
Use functions to create "where" objects to send to the server. Can also convert to and from a subset of SQL. Sorry, no "OR" or "GROUP BY"!
This repo was created before came out with their new Javascript Guide.
Definitely worth looking at, especially if you are a Backbone.js fan or want to do User Signup & Login, though there are currently some typos and errors in the sample code.