Enables rich Raygun messaging with your existing System.Diagnostics debug and trace code.
- .NET 3.5
- .NET 4.0
- .NET 4.6
PM> install-package Raygun.Diagnostics
Add the following to your <configSections>
<section name="RaygunSettings" type="Mindscape.Raygun4Net.RaygunSettings, Mindscape.Raygun4Net" />
Add anywhere under <configuration>
<RaygunSettings apikey="myAppKey" />
Settings.ApiKey = "myAppKey"
<!-- package install will add the listener to your debug settings -->
<add name="RaygunTraceListener" type="Raygun.Diagnostics.RaygunTraceListener, Raygun.Diagnostics" />
try {}
catch (Exception e)
// any arg of type IList<string> will be treated as tags and any type of IDictionary will be treated as custom data
// any arg of type Exception will be wrapped in the primary raygun exception object
var customData = new Dictionary<string, object> {{"myType", someParameter}};
var tags = new List<string> { "tag1", "tag1" };
Trace.TraceError("Something bad happened", e, tags, customData);
// or inline with arg just added to a default Dictionary<object, object> object
Trace.TraceError("something bad happened", e, new List<string> {"tag1"}, someParameter, someObject);
Tag via RaygunDiagnosticsAttribute on any class or method:
[RaygunDiagnostics("tag1", "tag2")]
public void MyMethod()
catch(Exception e)
// the tags defined in the attribute will pass through to Raygun
Trace.TraceError("something bad happened", e, someParameter, someObject);
// just send a standard formatted error messages with no custom data or tags (unless auto tag is enabled)
Trace.TraceError("Some formatted error message on {0} for {1}", something, otherThing);
Trace.TraceWarning("Some warning information on {0} for {1}", something, otherThing);
// this message will be ignored
Trace.TraceInformation("Ignored by the raygun listener");
Set default User via RaygunDiagnosticsUserAttribute on any class or method or pass via custom typed or anonymous argument:
[RaygunDiagnosticsUser("username", "userId")]
public void MyMethod()
catch(Exception e)
// the user defined in the attribute will pass through to Raygun
Trace.TraceError("something bad happened", e, someParameter, someObject);
// pass the user as an arg via the built in MessageInfo object
Trace.TraceError("something bad happened", e, new UserInfo(user.Username) { Fullname = user.FullName, Email = user.Email, Id = user.Id) });
// pass user as an anonymous type to avoid taking dependency on the library. anon type must contain a property called Username and optionally contain Email, FullName, FirstName, Id, and IsAnonymous
Trace.TraceError("something bad happened", e, new { user.Username, user.FullName, user.Email, user.Id) });
If using an anonymous type for user info (recommended), use these specific property names. Only Username
(case insensitive) is required for type identification. See unit tests for more details.
new {
Custom Raygun client settings (http://raygun.io/docs/Languages#net)
// the listener uses this staic instace of the raygun client
var client = Raygun.Diagnostics.Settings.Client;
Custom error grouping is available by using an anonymous type with a "GroupKey" property
public void MyMethod()
catch(Exception e)
// aggregate all errors of type MyCustomGroupKey together
Trace.TraceError("something bad happened", e, new { GroupKey = "MyCustomGroupKey" });
Other settings
// enable debug specific options for tracing
Raygun.Diagnostics.Settings.Debug = true;
// set the trace level to Warning and higher (default:Error)
Raygun.Diagnostics.Settings.MessageTraceLevel = MessageTraceLevel.Warning;
// in app example configuration
Raygun.Diagnostics.Settings.Client.AddWrapperExceptions(new List<Type> { typeof(MyCustomWrapperException) }.ToArray());
Raygun.Diagnostics.Settings.Debug = true;
// add default tags to every message generated by app domain
Raygun.Diagnostics.Settings.DefaultTags = new[] {"debug", "someDynamicString"};
Using msbuild (v14+) against Raygun.Diagnostics.csproj.
- Visual Studio 2013+
- .NET FX 3.5+
Copyright 2015 Chris Kirby MIT License