A simple way to show ansi colors and use escape codes on Linux and Windows terminals in a c++17 style with std::cout. .
- Only one header.
- Multiplatform: Windows, Linux and UNIX.
- No external dependencies(*), like conio, ncurses, etc.
- (*)On Windows you need to use Windows.h. The reason of that is a necessary hack with the API function SetConsoleMode(). On the other hand, that header and its dependencies are easily availables on Windows sytems.
- Colors and behaviors like blink text, may differ from system to system (xterm, tty, windows, kterm, etc.). The best way to deal with it is trial and error.
- Only for Windows 10 v1511 or higher.
- Not the best option if you are looking for performance.
As easy as type somethink like std::cout << ansi::yellow << "Yellow text";.
Functions are doxygen style documented. Best way to learn is to have a look at the header file.
Run the demo to watch ansi codes in action. Some demo screenshots (in Windows):
Distributed under the MIT License.
Feel free to send me any feedback.
José Puga - [email protected]