Chopper is an http client generator using source_gen and inspired by Retrofit.
Add the generator to your dev dependencies
chopper: ^[latest version]
build_runner: ^[latest version]
chopper_generator: ^[latest version]
// my_service.dart
import "dart:async";
import 'package:chopper/chopper.dart';
part "my_service.chopper.dart";
@ChopperApi(baseUrl: "/resources")
abstract class MyService extends ChopperService {
static MyService create([ChopperClient client]) => _$MyService(client);
@Get(url: "{id}")
Future<Response> getResource(@Path() String id);
@Get(headers: const {"foo": "bar"})
Future<Response<Map>> getMapResource(@Query() String id);
@Post(url: 'multi')
Future<Response> postResources(
@Part('1') Map a,
@Part('2') Map b,
@Part('3') String c,
@Post(url: 'file')
Future<Response> postFile(
@FileField('file') List<int> bytes,
then run the generator
pub run build_runner build
flutter packages pub run build_runner build
final chopper = ChopperClient(
baseUrl: "http://localhost:8000",
services: [
// the generated service
converter: JsonConverter(),
final myService = MyService.create(chopper);
final response = await myService.getMapResource("1");
if (response.isSuccessful) {
final body = response.body;
} else {
final error = response.error;
Or create a Chopper client and inject your generated api.
import 'package:chopper/chopper.dart';
final chopper = new ChopperClient(
baseUrl: "http://localhost:8000",
services: [
// the generated service
converter: JsonConverter(),
final myService = chopper.service<MyService>(MyService);
implement RequestInterceptor
class or define function with following signature FutureOr<Request> RequestInterceptorFunc(Request request)
Request interceptor are called just before sending request
final chopper = new ChopperClient(
interceptors: [
(request) async {
return request;
implement ResponseInterceptor
class or define function with following signature FutureOr<Response> ResponseInterceptorFunc(Response response)
Called after successfull or failed request
final chopper = new ChopperClient(
interceptors: [
(response) async {
return response;
Interceptors should not change the body of the request or response, use converters instead
Converter is used to transform body, for example transforming a Dart object to a Map<String, dynamic>
Both converter
and errorConverter
are called before request and response intercptors.
is called only on error response (statusCode < 200 || statusCode >= 300)
final chopper = new ChopperClient(
converter: MyConverter(),
errorConverter: MyErrorConverter()