: API with Swagger
Project attempts to clone the the AirBnB application and website, including the database, storage, RESTful API, Web Framework, and Front End. Currently the application is designed to run with 2 storage engine models:
File Storage Engine:
Database Storage Engine:
To Setup the DataBase for testing and development, there are 2 setup scripts that setup a database with certain privileges:
(for more on setup, see below). -
The Database uses Environmental Variables for tests. To execute tests with the environmental variables prepend these declarations to the execution command:
$ HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_test HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_test_pwd \
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- language: Python 3.4.3
- web server: nginx/1.4.6
- application server: Flask 0.12.2, Jinja2 2.9.6
- web server gateway: gunicorn (version 19.7.1)
- database: mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.18
- documentation: Swagger (flasgger==0.6.6)
- style:
- python: PEP 8 (v. 1.7.0)
- web static: W3C Validator
- bash: ShellCheck 0.3.3
The /config/
directory contains configuration files for nginx
and the
Upstart scripts. The nginx configuration file is for the configuration file in
the path: /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
. The enabled site is a sym link
to that configuration file. The upstart script should be saved in the path:
. To begin this service, execute:
$ sudo start airbnb.conf
This script's main task is to execute the following gunicorn
$ gunicorn --bind wsgi.wsgi:web_flask.app
The gunicorn
command starts an instance of a Flask Application.
All integration with gunicorn occurs with Upstart
files. The python
code for the WSGI is listed in the /wsgi/
directory. These python files run
the designated Flask Application.
This project comes with various setup scripts to support automation, especially during maintanence or to scale the entire project. The following files are the setupfiles along with a brief explanation:
: Drops test and dev databases, and then reinitializes the datbase.- Usage:
$ cat dev/setup.sql | mysql -uroot -p
- Usage:
: initialiezs dev database with mysql for testing- Usage:
$ cat setup_mysql_dev.sql | mysql -uroot -p
- Usage:
: initializes test database with mysql for testing- Usage:
$ cat setup_mysql_test.sql | mysql -uroot -p
- Usage:
: sets up nginx web server config file & the file structure.- Usage:
$ sudo ./0-setup_web_static.sh
- Usage:
: uses 2 functions from (1-pack_web_static.py & 2-do_deploy_web_static.py) that use the fabric3 python integration, to create a.tgz
file on local host of all the local web static fils, and then calls the other function to deploy the compressed web static files. Command must be executed from theAirBnB_clone
root directory.- Usage:
$ fab -f 3-deploy_web_static.py deploy -i ~/.ssh/holberton -u ubuntu
- Usage:
This project uses python library, unittest
to run tests on all python files.
All unittests are in the ./tests
directory with the command:
File Storage Engine Model:
$ python3 -m unittest discover -v ./tests/
DataBase Storage Engine Model
$ HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_test HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_test_pwd \
python3 -m unittest discover -v ./tests/
The bash script init_test.sh
executes all these tests for both File Storage &
DataBase Engine Models:
style -
runs all unittests
runs all w3c_validator tests
cleans up all
directories and the storage file,file.json
$ ./dev/init_test.sh
- This project uses python library,
to run tests in an interactive command line interface. To begin tests with the CLI, run this script:
$ ./console.py
$ HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_test HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_test_pwd \
(hbnb) help help
List available commands with "help" or detailed help with "help cmd".
(hbnb) help
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
Amenity City Place State airbnb create help show
BaseModel EOF Review User all destroy quit update
(hbnb) help User
class method with .function() syntax
Usage: User.<command>(<id>)
(hbnb) help create
create: create [ARG] [PARAM 1] [PARAM 2] ...
ARG = Class Name
PARAM = <key name>=<value>
value syntax: "<value>"
SYNOPSIS: Creates a new instance of the Class from given input ARG
and PARAMS. Key in PARAM = an instance attribute.
EXAMPLE: create City name="Chicago"
Tests in the CLI may also be executed with this syntax:
<class name>.destroy(<id>)
<class name>.update(<id>, <attribute name>, <attribute value>)
update with dictionary:
<class name>.update(<id>, <dictionary representation>)
Uses Travis-CI to run all tests on all commits to the github repo
- MJ Johnson, @mj31508
- David John Coleman II, davidjohncoleman.com | @djohncoleman
- Kimberly Wong, kjowong | @kjowong | [email protected]
- Carrie Ybay, hicarrie | @hicarrie_
- Jared Heck, jarehec | @jarehec
- Diego Lopez, diegolopezq95
- Jorge Zafra, jorgezafra94
MIT License