Django-SphinxQL implements Sphinx search for Django, thanks for checking it out.
Django is a Web framework for building websites with relational databases; Sphinx is a search engine designed for relational databases. Django-SphinxQL defines an ORM for using Sphinx in Django. As corollary, it allows you to implement full text search with Sphinx in your Django website.
Specifically, this API allows you to:
- Configure Sphinx with Python.
- Index Django models in Sphinx.
- Execute Sphinx queries (SphinxQL) using Django-like expressions and have the results as Django models.
Django-SphinxQL requires:
- Python 3
- pymysql
- Django (>=1.8)
- Sphinx
- A backend (pymysql or psycopg2)
Our build matrix in Travis has 8 builds:
- Python 3.4
- Django 1.8 and 1.10
- Sphinx 2.2.10 and 2.2.11
- mysql and postgres backends
For more details, you can check the directory tests
and .travis.yml
To run the tests locally, use:
PYTHONPATH=..:$PYTHONPATH test --settings=tests.settings_test tests
The next sections present a minimal setup to use this package. The full documentation is available here.
Django-SphinxQL has no requirements besides Django and Sphinx. To install Sphinx, use:
export VERSION=2.2.10
tar -xf sphinx-$VERSION-release.tar.gz
cd sphinx-$VERSION-release
./configure --prefix=$HOME --with-pgsql
make install
To install Django-SphinxQL, use:
pip install git+
Django-SphinxQL requires a directory to store its database and be registered as installed app (it doesn't contain Django models):
; -
to settings:INDEXES = { 'path': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, '_index'), # also do `mkdir _index`. 'sphinx_path': BASE_DIR }
is where Sphinx database is going to be createdsphinx_path
is the directory that will contain Sphinx-specific files.
Assume you have a model Document
with a summary
, a text
and a
that you want to index. To index it, create a file
your app with:
from sphinxql import indexes, fields
from myapp import models
class DocumentIndex(indexes.Index):
my_summary = fields.Text(model_attr='summary')
my_text = fields.Text(model_attr='text')
my_number = fields.Integer(model_attr='number')
class Meta:
model = models.Document
can be either a string with lookups or an F expression.
E.g. type_name = fields.Text(model_attr='type__name')
will index the name of
the ForeignKey type
of your model, while
type_name = fields.Text(model_attr=Concat('type__name', Value(' '),
indexes the concatenation of two fields (see also Django documentation). In principle the index fields accept any Django expression Django annotate accepts.
To index your indexes, run:
python index_sphinx
At this moment you may notice that some files will be created in
: Sphinx database is populated.
Then, start Sphinx daemon (only has to be started once):
python start_sphinx
(for the sake of reversibility, to stop Sphinx use python stop_sphinx
Django-SphinxQL defines a subclass of Django QuerySet
's, that interfaces with
all Sphinx-related operations. SearchQuerySet
only adds functionality: if you
don't use Sphinx-related, it is a QuerySet
Sphinx has a dedicated syntax for text search that Django-SphinxQL also accepts:
>>> q = SearchQuerySet(DocumentIndex).search('@my_text toys for babies')
This particular query returns Documents
restricted to the ones where
"toys for babies" match in field my_text
, ordered by the most relevant match.
Once you perform it, it does the following:
- hit Sphinx database and convert results to
instances; - hit Django database to retrieve the respective
instances; - annotate
instances with the respectiveDocumentIndex
instances (in attributesearch_result
) - returns the
Step 2. is done using .filter(pk__in=[...])
. The results are ordered by relevance
because there was no specific call of order_by
: if you set any ordering
in Django Query, it uses Django ordering (i.e. it overrides the default ordering
but not an explicit ordering). See docs for detailed information.
- Null values are considered empty strings or 0 (constraint on Sphinx engine)
- Only supports dates and times since 1970 (constraint on Sphinx engine)
- Most Sphinx functionality is not implemented, notably real time indexes.
You should check if Django-Haystack suits your needs.
Django-SphinxQL is useful when you can index your data on a time-scale different from "real time". It should be much faster in indexing, and it should have lower memory requirements.