An electronic grading web application, integrated with a school website, built using Laravel and Bootstrap. A capstone project for the Bachelor's Degree of Information Technology in SPCC - Caloocan.
- Git / Git Bash
- Composer
- Familiar with mySQL and PHP
- Clone the Repository
- Setting up a Virtual Host
- Database Configuration
- Populating the Database with some dummy data (optional)
- Check the App
a. Go to C:/xampp/htdocs
cd 'C:/xampp/htdocs'
b. Clone the Repository
git clone
c. Go to the spccweb
cd 'spccweb'
d. Install Dependencies
composer install
a. Go to C:/xampp/apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
. Edit then save.
# At the bottom of the file
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs"
ServerName localhost
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/spccweb/public"
b. Open Notepad as Administrator. Then Open File: C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts
. Edit then save.
# At the bottom of the file localhost
a. Run both Apache
and mySQL
in the XAMPP Control Panel.
b. Go to localhost/phpmyadmin
in your browser. Then login and create a database named spcc
. In the main directory of spccweb
, find .env.example
. Open it and update the database information below. After that, save it as .env
The default credentials for the phpMyAdmin are:
username: root
You can leave the password blank.
APP_NAME='SPCC Caloocan'
c. Generate the Application Key
php artisan key:generate
d. Reset the Database if you have already ran the Database Migration at least once, else proceed to the next step.
php artisan migrate:reset
e. Run the Database Migration
php artisan migrate
a. Populate the Database by running the Database Seeder. A dummy data has been provided.
composer dump-autoload
php artisan db:seed
b. Create a symbolic link:
php artisan storage:link
c. In the root directory of the repository, go to public/img
. Copy both cover_images
and profile_pictures
to public/storage/
d After that you're all set! You may now use the dummy accounts.
username: admin
password: secret
Head Registrar
username & password: K002
username & password: K003
Faculty (K004-K006)
username & password: K004
Student (042030001-042030006)
username & password: 042030001
a. Open a browser and go to
. Make sure that both Apache
and MySQL
are running on the XAMPP Control Panel.
b. Try to login.
c. Congrats! You're all set.
a. With docker and docker-compose installed just run:
docker composer up -d
b. Install Dependencies:
docker exec -it spccweb-app composer install
c. Copy the env.example
to .env
and configure database access:
docker exec -it spccweb-app cp .env.example .env
d. Generate the Application Key:
docker exec -it spccweb-app php artisan key:generate
e. Run the Database Migration:
docker exec -it spccweb-app php artisan migrate
f. Populate the Database by running the Database Seeder (if any);
docker exec -it spccweb-app php artisan db:seed
g. Check the app:
Open a browser and go to localhost:8000
Try to login.
Congrats! You're all set.
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL
- Laravel - The web framework used
- jQuery - JavaScript library
- Bootstrap - CSS Framework
- Argon Laravel Dashboard - Frontend Preset for Laravel
- spatie/laravel-permission - Laravel package to manage user permissions and roles in the database
- select2 - JavaScript plugin for select boxes
- particles.js - JavaScript plugin for particle backgrounds
- quilljs - An API Driven Rich Text Editor
- FooTable - responsive jQuery table plugin