Jordan Vogel
The improvements put into the lander are these:
- Added an intro screen, it was a huge pain in the ass I hope you enjoy it
- improved lander model, looks a bit more spacey!
- smooth edge wrapping. If the ship exists the sides of the sketchpad, it will be
teleported to the other side without losing momentum
- fuel guage: with the "-i" flag in the call of the program, a gauge
is added that starts at 1400 and decreases by 7 with every thrust key entry
a red fuel guage is displayed at the top left shows how much fuel is left
when the gauge is empty, you can no longer thrust
How to run: - "make" will build the lander
- "make clean" will remove the built files of the lander
Format to run:
./lander -t (INT) -g (INT) -f landscape.txt
t is the thrust speed of the lander
g is the gravity strength
f is the text file that draws the map, if you want you can experiment with different maps
its just sketchpad coordinates, and it draws lines between the points
you can run it with -i to have a fuel gauge and an opening screen, also enables edge wrapping
when you run it you need to reselect the terminal for the inputs, if the sketchpad is selected
it will make you sad
CONTROLS: Spacebar is to thrust Left arrow and right arrrow change the angle of the lander q is to quit and can be pressed at any time.