Transfer all of your spotify playlists to google play. Also spits out all playlists and their tracks to a text file.
Feel free to check out my new version that runs directly in your browser. No need to download anything or give anyone your password! --> Portify.JS
Run with python and follow the instructions in the command prompt. You will need your google play username and password along with a spotify oauth token from
If you are unable to sign in to your Google account, turn on access for less secure apps here:
You may turn it off after the program has completed.
Run -h for help (ezportify.exe -h for windows users)
I have included ezportify.exe in If you are not comfortable with python you can download and extract then run ezportify.exe to get going right away. < WINDOWS DOWNLOAD >
This script is based on pyportify by rckclmbr
pyportify is based on the original portify by mauimauer
By using ezportify you may violate both Spotify's and Google's Terms of Service. You agree that you are using ezportify on your own risk. The author does not accept liability (as far as permitted by law) for any loss arising from any use of this tool. If you choose not to agree to these terms, then you may not use this tool.