A JavaScript module that finds the most ideal path to change an array to another array.
Most diff detecting library detects "Added", "Removed", "Unchanged" operations.
['Orange', 'Apple', 'Banana']
['Grape', 'Apples', 'Banana']
Removed: Orange
Removed: Apple
Added: Grape
Added: Apples
Unchanged: Banana
Such diff detection might be sufficient in many cases, but sometimes we want to detect "Change" rather than "Remove" then "Add".
['Orange', 'Apple', 'Banana']
['Grape', 'Apples', 'Banana']
Removed: Orange
Added: Grape
Changed: Apple => Apples
Removed: Banana
Added: Melon
solves this problem by introducing "cost" to change. It prefers "Change" when its cost to change a
to b
is less than simply removing a
and adding b
yarn add array-diff-items
import arrayDiffItems from 'array-diff-items';
// type Compare<T> = (left: T, right: T) => number;
// arrayDiffElements: <T>(left: T[], right: T[]) => (compare: Compare<T>) => DiffItem<T>[];
const left = ['Banana', 'Apple', 'Orange', 'Grape'];
const right = [ 'Apple', 'Orange', 'Melon', 'Grape Fruit'];
arrayDiffItems(left, right)((a, b) => {
// Return the cost to change "a" to "b".
// When cost is less than 1, that means changing "a" to "b" is preferable to removing "a" and then adding "a".
if (a === b) return 0;
if (a.startsWith(b) || b.startsWith(a)) return 0.5;
return 2;
// [
// {"type":"Removed","item":"Banana"},
// {"type":"Unchanged","item":"Apple"},
// {"type":"Unchanged","item":"Orange"},
// {"type":"Added","item":"Melon"},
// {"type":"Changed","left":"Grape","right":"Grape Fruit"}
// ]
This implementation uses O(nm)
time and space simple dynamic programming algorithm where n
and m
is length of input arrays.
In practical situation, this algorithm works resonably well.
Comparing to other efficient algorithms (Wu and Manber's, for exmaple) is the future work.