This repository was archived by the owner on Nov 26, 2017. It is now read-only.
Releases: joomla/joomla-framework
Releases · joomla/joomla-framework
- #348 : Refactor QueryTest to not use an inspector by mbabker 2014-02-08T18:35:41Z
- #347 : Fix typo by betweenbrain 2014-02-08T17:39:14Z
- #346 : Trim \r from CliApplication::in() by asika32764 2014-02-08T17:39:33Z
- #345 : Adds documentation for the Joomla\Form\Form class by purplebeanie 2014-02-06T02:07:35Z
- #344 : Set Input\Cli default filter to "string" by asika32764 2014-02-08T17:40:09Z
- #343 : Increasing the code coverage of JFileTest. by Achal-Aggarwal 2014-02-03T16:48:47Z
- #341 : UT: Filesystem/File by Achal-Aggarwal 2014-02-02T16:06:33Z
- #339 : Remove version tag from Filesystem package composer file. by eddieajau 2014-01-28T23:29:52Z
- #337 : Simplify code and add missing unit tests by elkuku 2014-01-29T22:57:09Z
- #332 : Updating docs for Language package by piotr-cz 2014-01-23T05:51:01Z
- #331 : Enables Memcached Session and Cache testing on Travis. by garyamort 2014-01-23T15:09:30Z
- #325 : Deprecated Dispatcher::setListenerFilter method. by eddieajau 2014-02-08T18:03:58Z
- #322 : DI: docblock fix by piotr-cz 2013-12-19T15:40:51Z
- #321 : SQLite does not have CHAR_LENGTH or CONCATENATE functions by mbabker 2014-02-08T17:40:50Z
- #320 : Improvements to Application docs by piotr-cz 2013-12-18T14:46:54Z
- #315 : CLI Output Pre-Processors by dongilbert 2014-02-08T17:41:54Z
- #314 : Make ArrayHelperTest resilient against undefined sort order by JoelMarcey 2013-12-14T01:59:30Z
- #310 : Adding Container->exists method and test by piotr-cz 2013-12-10T02:36:54Z
- #309 : Fix E_STRICT notice in FilterInput by wilsonge 2013-12-09T14:34:11Z
- #306 : Archive exception message fix and make the tests run by florianv 2013-12-16T06:18:57Z
- #304 : Fix response of getRateLimit for enterprise servers by eddieajau 2014-02-08T17:47:38Z
- #302 : Fix up a heap of code-style issues. by eddieajau 2013-12-03T00:41:44Z
- #299 : Extra docs for Registry by eddieajau 2013-12-03T00:36:10Z
- #298 : Add note about @SInCE tags. by eddieajau 2013-12-02T22:44:40Z
- #295 : Add extra docs to Github package; light refactoring; bug fixes. by eddieajau 2013-12-05T00:22:38Z
- #294 : Test XML String equivalency, not simple string equality by okonomiyaki3000 2013-12-02T02:20:15Z
- #293 : Cleanup based on phpdoc output and file review by mbabker 2013-12-02T00:54:47Z
- #292 : Deprecate PostgresqlDriver::test() by mbabker 2013-12-02T01:16:17Z
- #291 : README updates by mbabker 2013-12-01T23:23:12Z
- #290 : Remove PHP 5.3.6 check from MySQL database driver by mbabker 2013-12-01T22:43:12Z
- #287 : Docs about using XML with Registry by piotr-cz 2013-12-02T23:34:19Z
- #282 : Fix that Registry asArray() can not handle objects recursively by asika32764 2014-02-08T18:02:55Z
- #274 : Fix Yaml test in Windows by asika32764 2014-02-08T17:43:22Z
User Name | Pull Requests |
Achal-Aggarwal | 2 |
JoelMarcey | 1 |
asika32764 | 4 |
betweenbrain | 1 |
dongilbert | 1 |
eddieajau | 7 |
elkuku | 1 |
florianv | 1 |
garyamort | 1 |
mbabker | 6 |
okonomiyaki3000 | 1 |
piotr-cz | 5 |
purplebeanie | 1 |
wilsonge | 1 |
Generated by Tagaliser
- #289 : Namespace Session tests by mbabker 2013-12-01T00:38:39Z
- #288 : Massive round of cleanup by mbabker 2013-11-30T01:40:09Z
- #286 : Fix a failing unit test by elkuku 2013-11-28T18:21:07Z
- #285 : Minor fixes for Cli Output by piotr-cz 2013-11-30T15:43:21Z
- #281 : Don't load phputf8 if it has already been loaded by ianmacl 2013-11-18T21:57:48Z
- #278 : Allow the DI container to set a callable. by eddieajau 2013-11-18T13:37:45Z
- #273 : CodeSniffer fixes by piotr-cz 2013-11-05T21:42:09Z
- #272 : Remove unused $instance from Cli & Web Applicaiotn by asika32764 2013-11-05T21:42:20Z
- #270 : detectRequestUri uses improved isSSLConnection by piotr-cz 2013-11-05T21:43:05Z
- #269 : Added Dispatcher::setListenerFilter by eddieajau 2013-11-11T01:14:53Z
- #267 : MysqliDriver does not support IPv6 by mbabker 2013-10-30T22:28:23Z
- #266 : PostgreSQL driver's updateObject() method doesn't support multikey by mbabker 2013-10-30T22:27:52Z
- #265 : Text uses own $lang property by piotr-cz 2013-10-29T22:11:31Z
- #264 : Add alias support to DI by dongilbert 2013-10-30T22:06:49Z
- #263 : Proper OAuth casing by dongilbert 2013-10-29T01:04:35Z
- #262 : RFC: NullLogger by dongilbert 2013-11-05T22:02:05Z
- #260 : Remove calls to triggerEvent() (Fix #256) by mbabker 2013-10-27T17:02:47Z
- #259 : Start converting registry usage to an array. by dongilbert 2013-10-27T22:01:39Z
- #258 : Fix test setUp for SessionStorageDatabase by dongilbert 2013-10-27T14:04:27Z
- #257 : Move the .travis directory into the build directory. by dongilbert 2013-10-27T16:49:42Z
- #255 : Update version requires in composer.json for easier maintenance. by dongilbert 2013-10-23T22:21:04Z
- #254 : Clean up PHPCS Suggestions by dongilbert 2013-10-23T05:55:02Z
- #253 : Move jhttp_stub.php to Http package by mbabker 2013-10-23T05:37:29Z
- #252 : Log package cleanup by mbabker 2013-10-23T05:39:58Z
- #251 : Cleanup the tests folder by mbabker 2013-10-23T02:51:17Z
- #250 : Small correction to wording by brianteeman 2013-10-22T22:47:04Z
User Name | Pull Requests |
asika32764 | 1 |
brianteeman | 1 |
dongilbert | 8 |
eddieajau | 2 |
elkuku | 1 |
ianmacl | 1 |
mbabker | 8 |
piotr-cz | 4 |
Generated by Tagaliser
- #249 : Prep for beta3 by dongilbert 2013-10-22T21:30:54Z
- #248 : Remove all remnants of JFactory. \o/ by dongilbert 2013-10-22T13:55:42Z
- #247 : Remove files required for phar creation. Update changelog app. by dongilbert 2013-10-22T12:01:40Z
- #246 : Update docs/testing. Closes #12 by dongilbert 2013-10-22T07:27:23Z
- #245 : Update intro. Closes #11 by dongilbert 2013-10-22T07:28:54Z
- #244 : Make Oauth Client class constructors have mandatory parameters. by dongilbert 2013-10-22T07:31:12Z
- #243 : Review README files by mbabker 2013-10-22T02:43:42Z
- #242 : Remove Factory from the Log package. by dongilbert 2013-10-22T07:33:03Z
- #241 : Remove Factory usage from the Session package by dongilbert 2013-10-22T07:34:47Z
- #240 : Remove Joomla autoloader by mbabker 2013-10-21T14:47:49Z
- #239 : Clean up Language Package by dongilbert 2013-10-22T00:29:51Z
- #238 : Clean up Form Package by dongilbert 2013-10-22T00:25:37Z
- #236 : Remove JFactory::getStream from the Filesystem Package by dongilbert 2013-10-18T02:23:18Z
- #235 : Adding naming convention for variables by javigomez 2013-10-18T01:52:54Z
- #234 : joomla-framework: Implemented Redis Cache Handler by WooDzu 2013-10-18T01:50:55Z
- #233 : Add backtrace information to database debug log by elkuku 2013-10-04T13:41:16Z
- #232 : Remove JVersion by dongilbert 2013-10-03T05:57:00Z
- #231 : Move getStream() into the Stream class directly by dongilbert 2013-10-03T04:51:08Z
- #230 : Remove FTP support from Filesystem\File and Filesystem\Folder by dongilbert 2013-10-03T01:25:55Z
- #229 : Move Ldap to it's own package by dongilbert 2013-10-15T04:16:27Z
- #228 : Remove filesystem functions with native PHP equivalents by mbabker 2013-10-01T23:02:26Z
- #227 : Standalone Image tests by dongilbert 2013-10-01T11:36:36Z
- #226 : Fix up Google tests to run standalone by dongilbert 2013-10-02T00:15:48Z
- #225 : Fix and add to Router package docs. by eddieajau 2013-09-30T00:57:54Z
- #224 : Image manual: update by piotr-cz 2013-09-28T17:18:13Z
- #223 : Feature: Image scaling method: SCALE_FIT by piotr-cz 2013-09-27T13:38:36Z
- #222 : Feature: ImageFilterBackgroundfill by piotr-cz 2013-09-27T13:38:16Z
- #221 : Updates to Image package manual and renamed JImage by piotr-cz 2013-09-26T14:06:01Z
- #220 : Make Registry support recursive bindData by asika32764 2013-10-18T01:45:32Z
- #218 : Replace MySQL driver with PDO version #82 by asika32764 2013-10-20T11:15:34Z
- #217 : Remove requires from tests/core/case/database.php by asika32764 2013-09-18T14:56:23Z
- #216 : Add a global with() method. by elkuku 2013-09-16T21:30:33Z
- #215 : Updating docblock and manual of Image::toFile method by piotr-cz 2013-09-18T14:52:03Z
- #214 : Cleanup the magic __get method on the Twitter class. by dongilbert 2013-09-06T16:32:10Z
- #213 : PHPCS cleanup by wilsonge 2013-09-05T01:06:38Z
- #211 : gitignore and rules for /vendor folder by piotr-cz 2013-09-06T02:43:19Z
- #210 : Patch from the CMS by wilsonge 2013-10-22T11:23:10Z
- #209 : Sync coding-standards repo by mbabker 2013-08-30T18:44:51Z
- #208 : Some tests for the raw filter by wilsonge 2013-08-30T16:07:45Z
- #207 : Image package synced to Platform 12.3 by piotr-cz 2013-08-30T18:25:30Z
- #206 : Fix JPATH_BASE use by mbabker 2013-08-29T11:32:21Z
- #205 : Fix bug in InputMocker class; add
mock support by eddieajau 2013-09-05T23:42:50Z - #204 : Standardize use of JPATH constants to JPATH_ROOT by mbabker 2013-08-29T03:56:15Z
- #203 : Namespace KeychainManager by mbabker 2013-08-29T04:01:38Z
- #202 : Change language localise class loading paths to be app independent by mbabker 2013-08-29T04:02:09Z
- #201 : Fix stict error being thrown by wilsonge 2013-08-29T04:04:13Z
- #198 : Fix unhandled 202 response when GitHub is busy. by elkuku 2013-08-20T21:00:47Z
- #197 : Fix a warning when an invalid response is received from GitHub. by elkuku 2013-08-20T20:26:03Z
- #196 : submodule update by mbabker 2013-08-17T19:28:37Z
- #195 : Update composer and add travis, gitignore by dongilbert 2013-08-17T18:08:58Z
- #187 : Fixed missing ini_get check in the stream transport by SniperSister 2013-08-21T02:37:40Z
- #185 : Add raw filter by wilsonge 2013-08-30T14:15:58Z
- #168 : The Twitter Package by dianaprajescu 2013-08-17T17:10:21Z
User Name | Pull Requests |
SniperSister | 1 |
WooDzu | 1 |
asika32764 | 3 |
dianaprajescu | 1 |
dongilbert | 19 |
eddieajau | 2 |
elkuku | 4 |
javigomez | 1 |
mbabker | 9 |
piotr-cz | 7 |
wilsonge | 5 |
Generated by Tagaliser
- #194 : Add support for ServiceProviders to the DI Container by dongilbert 2013-08-15T23:42:56Z
- #193 : Updating required versions for packages by eddieajau 2013-08-15T23:03:56Z
- #192 : DI Container for the Joomla Framework by dongilbert 2013-08-15T21:59:56Z
- #191 : Fixes for Travis by mbabker 2013-08-14T14:26:20Z
- #190 : Added missing sub-splits by eddieajau 2013-08-14T02:26:01Z
- #189 : B/C breaking change in unpack() for PHP 5.5 by mbabker 2013-08-14T14:41:15Z
- #188 : Soft-couple Language package to Filter package by eddieajau 2013-08-07T23:56:01Z
User Name | Pull Requests |
dongilbert | 2 |
eddieajau | 3 |
mbabker | 2 |
Generated by Tagaliser
- #186 : Add simple example for CLI application by eddieajau 2013-07-24T19:51:20Z
- #183 : Remove some silencers by elkuku 2013-07-11T06:00:24Z
- #182 : Change GitHub API method names by elkuku 2013-06-10T14:33:53Z
- #181 : Add missing GitHub hook events by elkuku 2013-06-08T21:29:50Z
- #179 : Duplicate debug handling in Factory::getDbo() by mbabker 2013-06-07T00:11:25Z
- #178 : Adding .travis.yml to each package for unit tests by dongilbert 2013-06-04T04:31:10Z
- #177 : Remove coupling to Factory::getLanguage() by mbabker 2013-06-04T04:07:32Z
- #176 : Updating log docs. Closes #60 by dongilbert 2013-06-04T02:30:21Z
- #175 : Updating docs/ Closes #10 by dongilbert 2013-06-03T22:15:26Z
- #172 : Change signal method from static to non-static by mbabker 2013-06-03T20:46:49Z
- #170 : Cleanup in AbstractDaemonApplication by mbabker 2013-06-03T02:24:06Z
- #169 : Enable PHPCS testing by mbabker 2013-05-19T23:43:59Z
- #166 : Add composer installation instructions to each package. Closes #13 by dongilbert 2013-05-15T10:01:53Z
- #165 : Make YAML optional by dongilbert 2013-05-15T14:21:58Z
- #164 : Remove unused mock testing classes by dongilbert 2013-05-15T02:04:21Z
- #163 : More database testing by mbabker 2013-05-19T23:46:08Z
- #162 : Have Travis ensure composer.json files are valid by mbabker 2013-05-14T22:30:02Z
- #161 : Adding Format\Yaml to Joomla\Registry by dongilbert 2013-05-14T22:15:14Z
- #160 : Add oauth1 in composer.json by dianaprajescu 2013-05-13T17:24:44Z
- #159 : The Linkedin Package by dianaprajescu 2013-05-14T21:59:35Z
- #158 : Add test coverage for DatabaseFactory by mbabker 2013-05-14T21:34:12Z
- #157 : Enhancements for unit testing by mbabker 2013-05-12T04:48:18Z
- #156 : Verify the class exists before checking if it is supported by mbabker 2013-05-12T04:36:33Z
- #155 : Small fixes in documentation by alexukf 2013-05-12T03:08:41Z
- #154 : The OAuth1 Package by dianaprajescu 2013-05-13T02:54:51Z
- #153 : Fix oauth2 client constructor. by dianaprajescu 2013-05-08T23:11:03Z
- #152 : Facebook Package by dianaprajescu 2013-05-13T02:43:59Z
- #151 : Update J\GitHub for latest GitHub API changes by elkuku 2013-05-13T02:33:19Z
- #150 : Add colors to CLI applications by elkuku 2013-05-08T17:06:37Z
- #149 : Fix Session Storage when using None. by dianaprajescu 2013-05-13T02:24:00Z
- #148 : Fixes generated_fieldname doc error by mbabker 2013-05-06T03:28:01Z
- #147 : JForm url filter won't allow save blank after save with data by elinw 2013-05-06T03:27:38Z
- #145 : Add support for token based authentication to J\GitHub by elkuku 2013-05-03T16:21:59Z
- #144 : Fix a typo by elkuku 2013-04-30T16:49:31Z
- #141 : Update PostgresqlDriver.php by jdeproost 2013-06-03T17:50:44Z
- #139 : Don't (un)serialize the db property. Closes #137 and fixes joomla/joomla-platform#1167 by dongilbert 2013-04-23T03:03:59Z
- #135 : Code cleanup based on PhpStorm inspector by mbabker 2013-04-16T16:51:33Z
- #134 : Remove the package and subpackage tags in github docblocks by dongilbert 2013-04-14T22:35:49Z
- #133 : Misc fixes by mbabker 2013-04-14T04:44:55Z
- #132 : Fixing parse error in MysqlQuery and remaining phpDoc errors. by dongilbert 2013-04-14T04:39:00Z
- #131 : Run MySQL tests in Travis by mbabker 2013-04-14T02:43:06Z
- #130 : Refactoring classes to have better semantic names. by ianmacl 2013-04-14T02:45:54Z
- #129 : Update Input Mocker by eddieajau 2013-04-11T08:50:31Z
- #128 : Refactor GitHub API implementation by elkuku 2013-04-14T19:31:06Z
- #127 : MySQL connections are not closed by mbabker 2013-04-09T03:03:16Z
- #125 : Fixed typos and minor bugs by pborreli 2013-04-05T00:31:17Z
- #124 : Add reference to PSR-3 for use of constants by wilsonge 2013-04-04T19:16:31Z
- #123 : adding Event to subsplit and fixing phpDoc errors by dongilbert 2013-04-02T02:38:32Z
- #122 : Fixes a number of issues in the Input package. by eddieajau 2013-04-02T02:06:41Z
- #121 : Remove unused mock testing classes by dongilbert 2013-04-02T01:40:29Z
- #120 : Expand SQL Server DB testing by mbabker 2013-04-01T05:53:14Z
- #119 : Change Uri to UriInterface by mbabker 2013-04-01T05:52:48Z
- #118 : .gitignore cleanup by mbabker 2013-03-31T22:46:27Z
- #117 : Rename Platform to Framework in DocBlocks and Documentation by sybrek 2013-04-02T22:13:37Z
- #116 : Some CI Improvements by realityking 2013-03-30T15:50:04Z
- #115 : Use html_entity_decode() instead of your custom code. by realityking 2013-03-30T14:47:33Z
- #114 : updated uri by drmmr763 2013-03-30T09:58:14Z
- #112 : Database Package Work by mbabker 2013-03-30T10:01:55Z
- [#111](