Composer distribution of Selenium Server Standalone, the browser automation framework.
Release numbers are synchronised with the Selenium versions. Version of this release is v3.141.59
Selenium Changelog:
Original jar files and checksums:
- Google Chrome version 76.0.3809.68 (win/linux/mac)
- Internet Explorer 32-bit version 3.14.0 (win)
- Internet Explorer 64-bit version 3.14.0 (win)
- Microsoft Edge version FOD (win)
- Microsoft Edge Chromium version (win/linux/mac)
- Firefox Gecko / Marionette Driver version 0.24 (win/linux/mac)
composer require joomla-projects/selenium-server-standalone
composer install
The command composer install
will make the selenium executable from inside bin
$ vendor/bin/selenium-server-standalone
Arguments are supported.
$ vendor/bin/selenium-server-standalone -port 4445
To shut down Selenium you can visit:
If you want to launch Selenium from a PHP application, you could use the Selenium class.
$selenium = new Selenium(array('browser' => 'chrome', 'insider' => false, 'selenium_params' => array()));
Possible values for browser are chrome|firefox|MicrosoftEdge|internet explorer If you are in the Windows Insider program, you would need the edge-insiders browser. So set the insider flag to true.
This project was forked from the original
Thanks to the Selenium Project