A hands-on commented code of implementing a python GUI using Tkinter.
A GUI that increases a number by one(1) and decreases it by one(-1)i two different buttons, and a +/- combined button, that does the same functionality when left and right click is pressed respectively. The Roll button that rolls a die. The Label widget, to display the result.
A listbox that displays hundred(100) first integers, with a scrollable ribbon anfter the number of items surpasses a given number.
A progress bar to monitor the progress, with a Start button widget to initial the progress.
A temperature converter that inputs an integer and converts it into Fahrenheit or Celsius degrees and vice versa.
A text editor that opens text files, reads them and saves them as new files.
A radiobuttion widget implementation
An optimized OneClass Segmentation interface that Loads a segmentation pretrained model, uploads testing images, evaluates them and displays the segmentation results. Results include the model accuracy, the confusion matrix and segmented image results.
An updated version of Tkinter_GUI, which uploads real-time images from an IDS camera.