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Releases: jonspeicher/Pomade

Pomade 0.5: Flyout/Flyin Animation

23 Sep 05:18
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Pomade 0.5

This release is purely cosmetic; it adds flyout and flyin animations to the segment type view in Pomade, a pomodoro-tracking Pebble watchapp with statistics on your wrist.

Features Added

  • When changing between segment types the current segment type indicator flies out of the screen, while the new segment type indicator flies in

Issues Resolved


Issues Outstanding


Pomade 0.4: Real Icons

06 Sep 03:39
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Pomade 0.4

This release adds real menu and action bar icons to Pomade, a pomodoro-tracking Pebble watchapp with statistics on your wrist.

Features Added

  • The main system menu icon was updated
  • The start, abort, and restart action bar icons were updated

Issues Resolved


Issues Outstanding


Pomade 0.3: Visual Pomodoro Count

05 Sep 05:14
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Pomade 0.3

This release adds a visual count of pomodoros completed towards the long break to Pomade, a pomodoro-tracking Pebble watchapp with statistics on your wrist.

Features Added

  • The pomodoro text indicator was removed
  • Four circles on the pomodoro segment display now show progress towards the long break
    • A filled circle represents a completed pomodoro
    • An open circle represents a pomodoro not yet completed
  • When all four pomodoros are completed, a long break will occur
    • The filled circles will reset to open to indicate the beginning of the next sequence

Issues Resolved


Issues Outstanding


Pomade 0.2: Long Breaks

03 Sep 00:31
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Pomade 0.2

This release adds long break support to Pomade, a pomodoro-tracking Pebble watchapp with statistics on your wrist.

Features Added

  • After every fourth pomodoro completed, the following break will be 15 minutes instead of 5

Issues Resolved


Issues Outstanding


Pomade 0.1: Limited-Functionality

30 Aug 06:53
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Pomade 0.1

This is the initial, limited-functionality release of Pomade, a pomodoro-tracking Pebble watchapp with statistics on your wrist.


As it stands, the feature set is fairly limited. Pomade currently supports:

  • Pomodoro tracking
  • Your wrist

Notably-absent features include:

  • Statistics
  • Support for a long break after the completion of four successful pomodoros
  • Support for configurable pomodoro, short break, and long break intervals
  • Aesthetically-pleasing iconography

I plan to add this and other functionality in the future as time permits.

Issues Resolved

#1 Pomodoro completion does not update ActionBar

Issues Outstanding
