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[Xamarin.Android.Build.Tests] Add tests for <ResolveSdks/> (dotnet#1321)
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This commit adds a basic unit test for the `<ResolveSdks/>` task.
dellis1972 authored and jonpryor committed Feb 20, 2018
1 parent d207275 commit f7b24f7
Showing 3 changed files with 82 additions and 0 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
using System;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Xamarin.ProjectTools;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using System.Text;
using Xamarin.Android.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;

namespace Xamarin.Android.Build.Tests {

[Parallelizable (ParallelScope.Children)]
public class ResolveSdksTaskTests : BaseTest {
public void ResolveSdkTiming ()
var path = Path.Combine ("temp", TestName);
var androidSdkPath = CreateFauxAndroidSdkDirectory (Path.Combine (path, "android-sdk"), "26.0.3");
string javaExe = string.Empty;
var javaPath = CreateFauxJavaSdkDirectory (Path.Combine (path, "jdk"), "1.8.0", out javaExe);
var referencePath = CreateFauxReferencesDirectory (Path.Combine (path, "references"), new ApiInfo [] {
new ApiInfo () { Id = 26, Level = 26, Name = "Oreo", FrameworkVersion = "v8.0", Stable = true },
new ApiInfo () { Id = 27, Level = 27, Name = "Oreo", FrameworkVersion = "v8.1", Stable = true },
IBuildEngine engine = new MockBuildEngine (TestContext.Out);
var task = new ResolveSdks {
BuildEngine = engine
task.AndroidSdkPath = androidSdkPath;
task.AndroidNdkPath = androidSdkPath;
task.JavaSdkPath = javaPath;
task.TargetFrameworkVersion = "v8.0";
task.AndroidSdkBuildToolsVersion = "26.0.3";
task.BuildingInsideVisualStudio = "true";
task.UseLatestAndroidPlatformSdk = false;
task.AotAssemblies = false;
task.LatestSupportedJavaVersion = "1.8.0";
task.MinimumSupportedJavaVersion = "1.7.0";
task.ReferenceAssemblyPaths = new string [] {
Path.Combine (referencePath, "MonoAndroid"),
task.CacheFile = Path.Combine (Root, path, "sdk.xml");
task.SequencePointsMode = "None";
task.JavaToolExe = javaExe;
var start = DateTime.UtcNow;
Assert.IsTrue (task.Execute ());
var executionTime = DateTime.UtcNow - start;
Assert.LessOrEqual (executionTime, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), "Task should not take more than 1 second to run.");
Assert.AreEqual (task.AndroidApiLevel, "26", "AndroidApiLevel should be 26");
Assert.AreEqual (task.TargetFrameworkVersion, "v8.0", "TargetFrameworkVersion should be v8.0");
Assert.AreEqual (task.AndroidApiLevelName, "26", "AndroidApiLevelName should be 26");
Assert.AreEqual (task.SupportedApiLevel, "26", "SupportedApiLevel should be 26");
Assert.NotNull (task.ReferenceAssemblyPaths, "ReferenceAssemblyPaths should not be null.");
Assert.AreEqual (task.ReferenceAssemblyPaths.Length, 1, "ReferenceAssemblyPaths should have 1 entry.");
Assert.AreEqual (task.ReferenceAssemblyPaths[0], Path.Combine (referencePath, "MonoAndroid"), $"ReferenceAssemblyPaths should be {Path.Combine (referencePath, "MonoAndroid")}.");
var expected = Path.Combine (Root);
Assert.AreEqual (task.MonoAndroidToolsPath, expected, $"MonoAndroidToolsPath should be {expected}");
expected = Path.Combine (Root, "Darwin" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
Assert.AreEqual (task.MonoAndroidBinPath, expected, $"MonoAndroidBinPath should be {expected}");
Assert.AreEqual (task.MonoAndroidIncludePath, null, "MonoAndroidIncludePath should be null");
//Assert.AreEqual (task.AndroidNdkPath, "26", "AndroidNdkPath should be 26");
Assert.AreEqual (task.AndroidSdkPath, androidSdkPath, $"AndroidSdkPath should be {androidSdkPath}");
Assert.AreEqual (task.JavaSdkPath, javaPath, $"JavaSdkPath should be {javaPath}");
expected = Path.Combine (androidSdkPath, "build-tools", "26.0.3");
Assert.AreEqual (task.AndroidSdkBuildToolsPath, expected, $"AndroidSdkBuildToolsPath should be {expected}");
Assert.AreEqual (task.AndroidSdkBuildToolsBinPath, expected, "AndroidSdkBuildToolsBinPath should be {expected}");
Assert.AreEqual (task.ZipAlignPath, expected, "ZipAlignPath should be {expected}");
Assert.AreEqual (task.AndroidSequencePointsMode, "None", "AndroidSequencePointsMode should be None");
expected = Path.Combine (androidSdkPath, "tools");
Assert.AreEqual (task.LintToolPath, expected, $"LintToolPath should be {expected}");
expected = Path.Combine (androidSdkPath, "build-tools", "26.0.3", "lib", "apksigner.jar");
Assert.AreEqual (task.ApkSignerJar, expected, $"ApkSignerJar should be {expected}");
Assert.AreEqual (task.AndroidUseApkSigner, false, "AndroidUseApkSigner should be false");
Assert.AreEqual (task.JdkVersion, "1.8.0", "JdkVersion should be 1.8.0");
Assert.AreEqual (task.MinimumRequiredJdkVersion, "1.8", "MinimumRequiredJdkVersion should be 1.8");
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ protected string CreateFauxAndroidSdkDirectory (string path, string buildToolsVe
File.WriteAllText (Path.Combine (androidSdkPlatformToolsPath, IsWindows ? "adb.exe" : "adb"), "");
File.WriteAllText (Path.Combine (androidSdkBuildToolsPath, IsWindows ? "zipalign.exe" : "zipalign"), "");
File.WriteAllText (Path.Combine (androidSdkBuildToolsPath, IsWindows ? "aapt.exe" : "aapt"), "");
File.WriteAllText (Path.Combine (androidSdkToolsPath, IsWindows ? "lint.exe" : "lint"), "");

for (int i=minApiLevel; i < maxApiLevel; i++) {
var dir = Path.Combine (androidSdkPlatformsPath, $"android-{i}");
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -73,5 +73,6 @@
<Compile Include="ManifestTest.OSS.cs" />
<Compile Include="AndroidRegExTests.cs" />
<Compile Include="GetDependenciesTests.cs" />
<Compile Include="ResolveSdksTaskTests.cs" />

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