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Releases: jongpie/NebulaLogger

Custom Index for Log__c.ParentLogTransactionId__c

04 Mar 18:27
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  • Fixes #847 by adding Log__c.ParentLogTransactionId__c custom index

This is a small release that will help unblock our friends at Google. See the prior release for more!

Fix Stacktrace Parsing & Reduce logger.test.js

18 Feb 19:46
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Thanks again to @jamessimone for working on yet another awesome release! 🥇 (See PR #835)

Core Unlocked Package Changes

  • Fixed an issue in LoggerStackTrace.js that would cause an unintended exception when there isn't a valid JavaScript stack trace.
    • This issue previously could happen when logging within the managed package, as well as in some browser configs that have more restrictive settings enabled.
  • Added @api decorator to the the function logger.setField() so that it can be used when logging in Aura components.
  • Closed #780 by cleaning up logger.test.js, resulting in, 1,400 lines of JavaScript code being removed! 🧹
    • Over the years, 3 different approaches have been used within Nebula Logger to provide JavaScript logging. The older approaches are considered deprecated, but are still supported - so automated testing is critical to ensuring all approaches still work.
    • Previously, logger.test.js had test cases duplicated for all 3 approaches, making it a nightmare to maintain.
    • In this release, @jamessimone streamlined the tests so that the same test cases are now used to validate all 3 approaches.

Installation Info

Core Unlocked Package - no namespace

OmniStudio Logging Enhancements

17 Feb 20:49
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Thanks to @jamessimone for several OmniStudio improvements in this release! 🎉 (See PR #835)

Core Unlocked Package Changes

  • Closed #814 by adding a new tryCatch callable method for OmniStudio within CallableLogger
  • Fixed a System.TypeException issue in OmniStudio when attempting to add tags to a log entry within CallableLogger
  • Docs: added some explanatory comments for the OmniStudio-specific code within CallableLogger

Installation Info

Core Unlocked Package - no namespace

Bugfix for AuthSession with Null LoginHistory Exception

05 Feb 14:45
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Thanks to @camillerev for this release / PR #831!

Core Unlocked Package Changes

  • Added safe navigation operator on LoginHistory from AuthSession records to avoid a NullPointerException
  • Fixed an issue where Log__c.ImpersonatedBy__c was not set when AuthSession data is queried async

Installation Info

Core Unlocked Package - no namespace

FlowLogger exception message handling

14 Jan 03:00
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Thanks to @jamessimone for working on this fix, and thanks to @shuylern and @andrewofornikar for reporting the issue & sharing their workarounds!

Core Unlocked Package Changes

  • Fixed #827: FlowLogger now properly truncates the LogEntryEvent__e.ExceptionMessage__c field. Previously, long values would have caused an exception & prevented the corresponding LogEntryEvent__e from being properly published.

Installation Info

Core Unlocked Package - no namespace

Improved Testability of Queries

30 Dec 03:47
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Core Unlocked Package Changes

  • Fixed #687: Improved how records are queried & converted to the inner classes in LoggerSObjectProxy, which are used for dynamically interacting with some standard SObject types that don't exist in all orgs (Network, OmniProcess, etc.)
    • These changes improve the testability of this part of the code base, resulting in more thorough tests & improved code coverage for the core package
  • Fixed #457 and fixed #812: Changed Nebula Logger's behavior during test execution so that the org's actual CMDT records are now loaded & used (e.g., records in LoggerParameter__mdt). This is controlled internally by Nebula Logger via a new Apex class LoggerConfigurationSelector
    • This provides admins & developers with the ability to fully test their usage of Nebula Logger, including any customizations that have been made to the included CMDT records
    • Internally, Nebula Logger's own tests still only use mock CMDT records - they do not leverage the org's actual CMDT records
  • Scope creep: added access for the existing Visualforce page LogMassDelete to the permission sets LoggerAdmin, LoggerLogViewer, and LoggerEndUser
    • This page has been around for ~3 years, but the permission sets didn't explicitly provide access to the page

Async Failure Additions Plugin Changes - v1.0.3

  • Updated LogFinalizer to skip logging the async context when no error has occurred
  • Corrected some test failures caused by changes in core v4.15.3 (this release), now that the org's actual CMDT records are loaded during tests

Big Object Archiving Plugin Changes - v0.9.1

  • Corrected some test failures caused by changes in core v4.15.3 (this release), now that the org's actual CMDT records are loaded during tests

Pipeline Changes

  • Updated package.json + build.yml to auto-generate a package.xml manifest file for the core package's metadata, stored within the repo at nebula-logger/core.package.xml. Thanks to @Coding-With-The-Force for chatting about this!
    • Example usage: sf project deploy start --manifest ./nebula-logger/core.package.xml
    • This new file is intended to provide an official package.xml file for Nebula Logger to help any teams that meet the 2 criteria below:
      1. Team deploys Nebula Logger's metadata to their orgs (instead of installing the unlocked or managed packages)
      2. Team leverages package.xml manifest files in their deployment/devops process
  • Changed the pipeline to use the base scratch org for integration, since this org will have the lowest code coverage of any of the scratch orgs.
    • Previously, the advanced scratch org was used, which will always have the highest code coverage. Knowing the highest coverage is a sort-of useful & fun metric, but knowing the minimum code coverage (via the base scratch org) is a much more important aspect to focus on.
  • Added some sample CMDT records to extra-tests directory (used by the pipeline) to help validate that the org's records are correctly returned by the new query selector class
  • Upgraded several dev dependencies in package.json / regenerated package-lock.json

Installation Info

Core Unlocked Package - no namespace

Async Failure Additions Plugin Unlocked Package - no namespace

ℹ️ This release of the plugin requires v4.15.3 of Nebula Logger's core unlocked package (above)

Big Object Archiving Plugin Unlocked Package - no namespace

ℹ️ This release of the plugin requires v4.15.3 of Nebula Logger's core unlocked package (above)

Added support for logging instances of Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult and List<Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult>

19 Dec 02:01
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Thanks to @TrangOul for this release by suggesting issue #804 and implementing it in PR #806! 👏🥳

Core Unlocked Package Changes

This release provides the ability to log instances of Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult and List<Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult>. Support was previously added for logging the Database result classes DeleteResult, LeadConvertResult, MergeResult, SaveResult, UpsertResult and UndeleteResult (for more details see release notes for v4.2.0, v4.3.0, v4.7.4, and v4.10.0). But EmptyRecycleBinResult had been overlooked - and in this release, it's now supported like the other result classes 🎉

  • Add new instance method overloads in LogEntryEventBuilder for setDatabaseResult() to support logging instances of Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult and List<Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult>

    global LogEntryEventBuilder setDatabaseResult(Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult emptyRecycleBinResult);
    global LogEntryEventBuilder setDatabaseResult(List<Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult> emptyRecycleBinResults);
  • Added new static method overloads in Logger to make it easier to log instances of Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult and List<Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult>

    global static LogEntryEventBuilder error(LogMessage logMessage, Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult emptyRecycleBinResult);
    global static LogEntryEventBuilder error(String message, Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult emptyRecycleBinResult);
    global static LogEntryEventBuilder warn(LogMessage logMessage, Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult emptyRecycleBinResult);
    global static LogEntryEventBuilder warn(String message, Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult emptyRecycleBinResult);
    global static LogEntryEventBuilder info(LogMessage logMessage, Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult emptyRecycleBinResult);
    global static LogEntryEventBuilder info(String message, Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult emptyRecycleBinResult);
    global static LogEntryEventBuilder debug(LogMessage logMessage, Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult emptyRecycleBinResult);
    global static LogEntryEventBuilder debug(String message, Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult emptyRecycleBinResult);
    global static LogEntryEventBuilder fine(LogMessage logMessage, Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult emptyRecycleBinResult);
    global static LogEntryEventBuilder fine(LogMessage logMessage, Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult emptyRecycleBinResult);
    global static LogEntryEventBuilder finer(String message, Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult emptyRecycleBinResult);
    global static LogEntryEventBuilder finer(String message, Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult emptyRecycleBinResult);
    global static LogEntryEventBuilder finest(String message, Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult emptyRecycleBinResult);
    global static LogEntryEventBuilder finest(String message, Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult emptyRecycleBinResult);
    global static LogEntryEventBuilder logDatabaseErrors(System.LoggingLevel loggingLevel, LogMessage logMessage, List<Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult> emptyRecycleBinResults);
    global static LogEntryEventBuilder logDatabaseErrors(System.LoggingLevel loggingLevel, String message, List<Database.EmptyRecycleBinResult> emptyRecycleBinResults);
  • Simplified + improved readability of some older Apex code throughout the codebase by using the safe navigator operator ?. and null coalescing operator ?? in several places
  • Fixed some existing code that caused PMD scan violations in newer versions of PMD/sf code analyzer

Installation Info

Core Unlocked Package - no namespace

Full Changelog: v4.15.1...v4.15.2

System.OrgLimits Optimisations

03 Dec 19:56
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Thanks to @ngreardSF for this release by reporting issue #801 and fixing it in PR #802! 🥳 🎉

Core Unlocked Package Changes

Improved the internal code used to capture details about org limits

  • Updated LogHandler class to cache the Apex call to System.OrgLimits.getMap() to reduce CPU usage
  • Added some comments + updated some existing variable names & class name to include 'serializable' to provide a little more context on why there is a custom class for org limits

Installation Info

Core Unlocked Package - no namespace

Full Changelog: v4.15.0...v4.15.1

v4.15.0 - Winter '25 Release

26 Nov 19:20
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Managed Package Release - v4.15.0

This release is for both the unlocked package (as always), as well as the managed package! You can see everything that's changed between v4.14.0 and v4.15.0 by reviewing:

  • The v4.15.0 milestone to see all of the issues & pull requests that are included in the this release.
  • The diff between v4.14.0 and v4.15.0 to see all of the code & metadata changes that have been committed since the last managed package release.

For orgs that are upgrading to this version of the managed package: There are several enhancements & bugfixes in this release (listed below). A few of the notable highlights:

  • 🥳Added support for OmniStudio logging
  • 🥳Added support for loosely-coupled dependencies (especially useful for package developers/ISVs/consultants)
  • 🥳Added a new & improved getLogger() function in JavaScript that replaces the now-deprecated createLogger() function
    • createLogger() will continue to be supported, but it's recommended that everyone migrates to the new getLogger() function instead

Double Feature: Support for OmniStudio Logging + Loosely-Coupled Dependencies

✅✅Release v4.14.10: With the new Apex class Nebula.CallableLogger, 2 great enhancements have been added to Nebula Logger:

  1. It's now even easier for ISVs, consultants, and package developers to optionally leverage Nebula Logger when its available in your customers' orgs
  2. OmniStudio logging is now provided out of the box

These 2 enhancements are made possible by having the Nebula.CallableLogger class implement Apex's Callable interface.

  • The Nebula.CallableLogger class was originally released in the unlocked package in v4.14.10
  • It was further enhanced in v4.14.16

For more details on using Nebula.CallableLogger, check out these wiki pages:

Apex Logging Enhancements

For the method Nebula.Logger.setAsyncContext():

  • Release v4.14.15: Enhanced queueable FinalizerContext logging messages
  • 🐞Release v4.14.11: Bugfix to update Nebula.Logger.setAsyncContext() behavior to only set the context the first time a non-null context value is provided

For the class Nebula.LogEntryEventBuilder:

  • Release v4.14.18 by @alanjaouen: Add setRecord(System.Iterable<Id> recordsIds) method overload to Nebula.LogEntryEventBuilder for easily logging instances of Set<Id> and List<Id>
  • Add some changes related to HttpRequest logging via setHttpRequestDetails()
    • Release v4.14.8: Added the ability to capture HttpRequest headers via new method overload setHttpRequestDetails(System.HttpRequest request, List<String> headersToLog)
    • 🐞Release v4.14.12: Deprecated & replaced Nebula__HttpRequestEndpoint__c fields with new Nebula__HttpRequestEndpointAddress__c fields so that endpoints longer than 255 characters can be stored

For custom field mappings (originally released in release v4.13.14):

  • Release v4.14.14: Added new static Apex method overloads Nebula.Logger.setField()

For automatic Apex code snippets (originally released in release v4.13.1):

  • 🐞Release v4.14.9: Bugfix to auto-truncate Apex code snippets stored in Nebula__LogEntry__c fields.
    • Previously, the code snippet was only limited by the number of lines of code - but for Apex classes & triggers that have very looooooooooooong code on some lines, the code snippet could cause the JSON value to exceed the corresponding field's max length

JavaScript Logging Enhancements

  • ⚠️Release v4.14.13: Added a new synchronous JavaScript function getLogger() + deprecated async function createLogger()
  • Release v4.14.4: Added the option to automatically call Salesforce's lightning-logger LWC when logging via lightning components
    • Note: for orgs without Event Monitoring (or with Event Monitoring disabled), essentially nothing will actually happen when this feature is enabled in Nebula Logger in your orgs. It's a fully optional feature specifically for orgs that do have Event Monitoring.
    • When Event Monitoring is available & configured, using this feature creates a "Lightning Logger" event in Event Monitoring. These events & the lightning-logger LWC were made generally available (GA) in Salesforce's Spring '24 release.
    • This is controlled using the new field Nebula__LoggerSettings__c.Nebula__IsJavaScriptLightningLoggerEnabled__c, and is disabled/false by default
  • Release v4.14.6: Custom Field Mappings Support for Lightning Components
    • Additional enhancements were also added
  • Release v4.14.17: Added more details in Nebula/logger LWC's console statements
  • 🐞Release v4.14.2: Bugfix in the pipeline so that Jest test failures are properly surfaced/correctly cause a pipeline failure

Data Masking

  • 🐞Release v4.14.7: Fixed an issue with the regular expression used in the included data masking rule for US Social Security Numbers (SSNs). It now uses a more targeted regular expression for identifying SSNs to mask.
    • Previously, the rule was not restrictive enough in the regular expression used in SensitiveDataRegEx__c, which resulted in the rule masking some values that it should have ignored.

Nebula Logger Console App Changes

  • Release v4.14.5: Added Nebula/loggerSettings LWC to the app's utility bar
  • 🐞Release v4.14.3: Bugfix to correct the visibility rules for the tab "Related Record Details" on flexipage Nebula__LogEntryRecordPage

Core Unlocked Package Release - v4.15.0

These changes are new for both the unlocked package and the managed package.

Winter '25 Release Upgrade

  • Bumped all metadata to API v62.0 (Winter '25 release)
    • Also updated the list of picklist values in several 'API version' picklist fields on Log__c and LogEntry__c
  • Resolved #733 by updating all 5 record flexipages to use the new dynamic highlights component (released in Salesforce's Winter '25 release) in place of compact layouts.
    • The compact layouts are still included in the repo, but they're now considered deprecated.

Log__c Object Changes

  • Updated the flexipage LogRecordPage to use the newer component 'dynamic related list - single' instead of the older component 'related list - single' for displaying related lists
  • Updated the order of fields shown on the LogEntry__c related list to have LoggingLevel__c as one of the first fields (instead of as one of the last fields)
  • Updated all list views to have the existing field Log__c.ProfileLink__c
  • Added new list views
    1. AllChildLogs: shows any logs that have a parent log set using Logger.setParentLogTransactionId(String) (based on Log__c.ParentLogLink__c != null)
    2. AllImpersonatedLogs: shows any logs where an admin was impersonating the logging user (based on Log__c.ImpersonatedByUsernameLink__c != null)

LogEntry__c Object Changes

  • Updated the flexipage LogEntryRecordPage to use the newer component 'dynamic related list - single' instead of the older component 'related list - single' for displaying related lists
  • Added 3 new formula fields on LogEntry__c that reference the existing formula fields on Log__c so that the same data can easily be shown in list views, etc.:
    1. ImpersonatedByUsernameLink__c
    2. ParentLogLink__c
    3. ProfileLink__c
  • Updated all list views to have the existing field Log__c.ProfileLink__c
  • Added new list views
    1. AllERRORLogEntries: shows any records where LogEntry__c.LoggingLevel__c == 'ERROR'
      • This is very similar to the existing list view AllERRORandWARNLogEntries that shows both ERROR and WARN
    2. AllImpersonatedLogEntries: shows any log entries where an admin was impersonating th...
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Added setRecord() Overload for List<Id> and Set<Id> Parameters

07 Nov 20:33
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Thanks to @alanjaouen for working on these changes & @jamessimone for reviewing! (See PR #792)

Core Unlocked Package Changes

Added a new overload setRecord(System.Iterable<Id> recordsIds) in LogEntryEventBuilder to make it easy to log instances of List<Id> and Set<Id>. Nebula Logger automatically sets details about the logged IDs on LogEntry__c, just as it does when calling the method overloads setRecord(SObject record), setRecord(List<SObject> records), and setRecord(Id recordId)

Example usage:

// Use List<Id>
List<Id> userIdList = new List<Id>{ System.UserInfo.getUserId() };'Example entry that uses List<Id>').setRecord(userIdList);

// Use Set<Id>
Set<Id> userIdSet = new Set<Id>{ System.UserInfo.getUserId() };'Example entry that uses Set<Id>').setRecord(userIdSet);

Installation Info

Core Unlocked Package - no namespace

Full Changelog: v4.14.17...v4.14.18