Test that a Raku project has a good and proper META file.
This is the actual t/030-my-meta.t
from this distribution
use v6;
use lib 'lib';
use Test;
use Test::META;
plan 1;
# That's it
However, you may want to make this test conditional, only run by the
author (e.g. by checking the AUTHOR_TESTING
environment variable). Also,
regular users of your module will not need Test::META on their system):
use v6;
use lib 'lib';
use Test;
plan 1;
require Test::META <&meta-ok>;
else {
skip-rest "Skipping author test";
If you are running under Travis CI you can set the right environment variable in the YAML. One way to do this is like this:
- AUTHOR_TESTING=1 prove -v -e "raku -Ilib"
Other continuous integration systems will have a similar facility.
This provides a simple mechanism for module authors to have some confidence that they have a working distribution META description file (as described in S22).
It exports one subroutine meta-ok
that runs a single sub-test that
checks that:
- The META file (either META6.json or META.info) exists
- That the META file can be parsed as valid JSON
- That the attributes marked as "mandatory" are present
- That the files mentioned in the "provides" section are present.
There are mechanisms that are used internally for testing to override the location or name of the META file. These can be seen in the test suite though they are not typically needed.
You can install directly with "zef":
# Remote installation
$ zef install Test::META
# From the source directory
$ zef install .
Suggestions/patches are welcomed via github at:
If you can think of further tests that could be made, please send a patch. Bear in mind that the tests for the structure of the META file and particularly the required fields rely on the implementation of the module META6 and you may want to consider changing that instead.
This is free software.
Please see the LICENCE for the details.
© Jonathan Stowe 2015 - 2021