This is a port of the Atom One Dark theme from The original One Dark theme for Atom can be found here:
This is a work in progress. I have yet to include theme faces for many popular modes. Pull requests are extremely welcomed! :)
Make sure you have enabled the MELPA package archive in your Emacs configuration.
m-x package-install
RET atom-one-dark-theme
First, clone this repo:
$ git clone
Then, add this to your Emacs config:
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/path/to/atom-one-dark-theme/")
Load the theme with:
load-theme atom-one-dark
To load this theme on Emacs startup and make it the default, add this to your Emacs config:
(load-theme 'atom-one-dark t)