Alison is a dns-to-tls proxy server in python. Currently Alison listens on port 8888 and supports only cloudflare.
TCP and UCP listeres Client concurrency Validate DNS input
Event loop based concurrency: * Class ClientContext - Takes care of the client * Class Upstream - Takes care of connecting and querying nameserver (cloudflare in this case) There are more classes, but they are the important ones.
- Connection pool to backend
- Handeling Signals
- Metrics
- Tests
- Caching
- Better logging and handeling exceptions
- Reconnect on failure
- DNS spoofing
- Malicious input
- App running as privileged user (in Dockerfile app is running as user 'alison')
This proxy should run as a sidecar to some dns caching service (DNSMasq for example).
Alison is distributed as a python command line tool. just copy this repo using 'git clone', and run the following command in the root directory of the project:
pip3 install .
Alison will listen on port 8888 for udp and tcp
alison --tcp --udp
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/\ | (_) VERSION 0.0.1
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[email protected]
2018-10-24 08:40:55,328 INFO Alison started on
build the docker image using the following command:
docker build -t alison .
then you can run Alison as a docker container using:
docker run -p 8888:8888/TCP -p 8888:8888/UDP alison
the build process is coded into .travis.yml, it includes:
- installing requirements.txt
- running tests
- building the docker image
- pushing to aws ECR
- the CI will redeploy the FARGATE container after push to ECR (cluster: sample-cluster, service: alison-udp)