Puppet module for installing and configuring the PagerDuty Agent.
- Description
- Setup - The basics of getting started with pdagent
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
This module sets up the required repositories (optional), packages and services for using the PagerDuty Agent.
puppet-pdagent has dependencies on the Puppetlabs stdlib and apt modules.
In order to install the PagerDuty Agent and integrations, simply include the module:
include ::pdagent
This will set up the required repositories for you. For more advanced examples, please refer to the Usage section below.
If you don't want to use the upstream repositories (for example, you manage your own internal repositories), you can use the following snippet.
In Puppet:
class { '::pdagent':
manage_repos => false,
In Hiera + Puppet:
include ::pdagent
pdagent::manage_repos: false
This module has only been tested on the following operating systems. It may (or may not) work on other versions and/or derivatives.
- Linux
- Debian 9
- CentOS 7
Contributions are greatly appreciated. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.