Rust high level bindings for the multitouch callback function in the private framework multitouchSupport on macOS
Add the following to your Cargo.toml:
path = "/Path/to/macos-multitouch"
Then simply register a callback using a lambda function that is invoked with the trackpad data as soon as something moves on the trackpad. Minimal example:
extern crate macos_multitouch;
fn main()
for mut device in macos_multitouch::get_multitouch_devices()
// start sending touches to callback
device.register_contact_frame_callback(| device: macos_multitouch::MTDeviceRef, data: &[macos_multitouch::Finger], timestamp: f64, frame: i32 |
println!("Device: 0x{:x}, Timestamp:\t {}, Frame: {}", device as i32, timestamp, frame);
for f in data
println!("Frame {}:\t \
Angle {:.3},\t \
ellipse {:.2}x{:.2},\t \
position ({:.6},{:.6}),\t \
velocity ({:.5},{:.5}),\t \
ID {},\t state {}, Finger number {}, {}?,\t \
size {},\t {}?, [{}, {}]?, {}?",
f.angle * 90.0 / std::f32::consts::FRAC_PI_2,
f.major_axis, f.minor_axis,
f.normalized.pos.x, f.normalized.pos.y,
f.normalized.vel.x, f.normalized.vel.y,
f.identifier, f.state, f.finger_number, f.unknown0,
f.size, f.unknown1, f.unknown2[0], f.unknown2[1], f.unknown3);
}).unwrap(); // can fail if a callback is registered to the device already
println!("Press enter key to abort\n");
let mut input = String::new();
std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut input).ok().expect("Failed to read line");