Dockerfile and scripts for creating the (old) environment required to build firmware images for Zyxel VMG1312-B10A & VMG8x24-B10A modem/routers, including helper script and patches to enable:
Changes to to the ethernet driver to allow > 1500 MTU ethernet frames & changes to the PTM network driver to bring the link up with an MTU of 1508 by default.
Choice to include an older version of the telnetd binary from previous firmware before it was modified to only accept a single telnet connection.
Latest firmware from Zyxel include the A2pv6F039v DSL modem code, other devices with the same BCM63168 chipset have received firmware with later A2pv6F039x1 & A2pv6F039x6 modem code, either can be included for testing.
Place holder script in /data partition run once every boot to allow persistent changes to target SNRM or line capping. See /data/ after first boot for details, editing requires telnet/ssh using supervisor account or by escaping to busybox from admin account.
Please stick to known working commands, test before rebooting.
A small mongoose based http server with simple visualisation of real time and logged statistics avaliable by default on modem-ip:8000.
48h line statistics are captured, see stats-server/ for details. Information usually requiring telnet/ssh to access (e.g xdslctl output) is available via HTTP at modem-ip:8000/data, see directory listing for naming.
A working Docker installation.
If you wish you can request source package directly from Zyxel and place in the zyxel-source folder, or simply download from the releases section here, see README in zyxel-sources directory.
git clone
download source zip and extract.
cd custom-zyxel-firmware
cd zyxel-source/
Run your choice of script for fetching correct source for model
Extract source obtained from Zyxel here, see readme for naming
cd ../
docker build --tag=vmg-lucid .
docker run -it --name vmg-build -v "$(pwd)":/tmp/mount vmg-lucid
cd mount
Resulting firmware is located in images/ directory.
Docker commands may require sudo privilege depending on your system and SELinux enabled systems will probably require:
--security-opt label:disable
to be added to the docker run commands, eg:
sudo docker run -it --security-opt label:disable --name vmg-build -v "$(pwd)":/tmp/mount vmg-lucid
During docker image build on such systems warnings can be ignored.
To run the container again at a later date:
docker start -i vmg-build
Released binaries have been at minimum tested to boot on correct hardware, but use at your own risk. Having a serial adapter on hand is highly encouraged.