Dispatches a winscroll
event when the user scrolls, throttled by a given value (default is 10ms). After a given length of time has passed since the last winscroll
event (default is 300ms), a winscroll:done
event is dispatched. Within the detail
property of the event, you will find the following information:
e: e, // original scroll or touchmove event
depth: <integer>, // current scroll depth
direction: <up|down>, // which direction is the user srolling
sinceDirectionChange: <integer> // how many pixels have been scrolled since the user changed direction
const ScrollWatcher = require('scroll-watcher');
const scrollwatcher = new ScrollWatcher();
window.addEventListener('winscroll', (e) => {
window.addEventListener('winscroll:done', scrollwatcher.handleScroll);
const ScrollWatcher = require('scroll-watcher');
// time to wait between scroll events
const throttleWait = 50;
// time to wait until scroll is considered complete
const scrollDoneWait = 500;
const scrollwatcher = new ScrollWatcher(throttleWait, scrollDoneWait);