This repository contains scripts and instructions to assit in the testing of the Linux st tape driver. Set up and deployment of these tests require a Fedora or Centos-stream-9/10 linux hardware platform with a physical tape drive. At the time of this writing the following scripts are included:
Tests that require no hardware:
- - test using scsi_debug; no hardware required
- - different version of the same test: no hardware required
Tests that require a physical tape drive:
- - called by other tests to reset the tape device with sg_reset
- - various tests that run sg_reset at different times
- - reset tape while at eod and then try read and write
- - reset tape and then eject and load tape to clear
- - reset tape and then send try mt status
- - run all tests that require a physical tape drive
NOTE: The scripts used in this repository are all designed to be run from a root account. It is not advised to run these scripts on a production machine unless you know what you are doing. These scripts will modify destroy the data on your tape drive.
dnf install -y git, lsscsi, mt-st, sg3_utils
git clone
cd tape_tests
./ /dev/nst0 /dev/sg1 0 0 2>&1 | tee -a tape_reset_status.log
./ /dev/nst0 /dev/sg1 0 0 2>&1 | tee -a tape_reset_test.log
./ /dev/nst0 /dev/sg1 0 0 2>&1 | tee -a tape_reset_load.log
./ /dev/nst0 /dev/sg1 0 0 2>&1 | tee -a tape_reset_eod.log
NOTE: this sequence can be done for you by running:
./ /dev/nst0 /dev/sg1 0 0
# ./
usage: <st_device> <sg_device> <debug> <dmesg>
<st_device> : name of st device e.g.:(/dev/st1)
<sg_device> : name of corresponding sg device e.g.: (/dev/sg3)
<debug> : 1 = debug on | 0 = debug off
<dmesg> : 1 = dmesg on | 0 = dmesg off
These tests were developed with a QUANTUM ULTRIUM 4 U53F tape drive
and is designed to be used with real hardware.
Example: /dev/nst0 /dev/sg1 0 0 /dev/nst1 /dev/sg2 1 0 /dev/st0 /dev/sg1 1 1
[0:0:0:0] disk ATA Samsung SSD 840 4B0Q /dev/sda 3500253855022021d /dev/sg0
[7:0:0:0] tape QUANTUM ULTRIUM 4 U53F /dev/st0 - /dev/sg1
[7:0:1:0] enclosu LSI virtualSES 02 - - /dev/sg2
[N:0:0:1] disk INTEL SSDPEDMW400G4__1 /dev/nvme0n1 -
# ./
Usage: <st_num> <sg_num> <debug> <dmesg>
<st_num> : /dev/st<st_num> e.g.(/dev/st1 = 1)
<sg_num> : /dev/sg<sg_num> e.g (/dev/sg3 = 3)
<debug> : 1 = debug on | 0 = debug off
<dmesg> : 1 = dmesg on | 0 = dmesg off
Example: 1 3 1 1 # /dev/st1 /dev/sg3 debug dmesg 1 3 0 0 # /dev/st1 /dev/sg3 nodebug nodmesg
[0:0:0:0] disk ATA Samsung SSD 840 4B0Q /dev/sda 3500253855022021d /dev/sg0
[7:0:0:0] tape QUANTUM ULTRIUM 4 U53F /dev/st0 - /dev/sg1
[7:0:1:0] enclosu LSI virtualSES 02 - - /dev/sg2
[8:0:0:0] tape Linux scsi_debug 0191 /dev/st1 - /dev/sg3
[N:0:0:1] disk INTEL SSDPEDMW400G4__1 /dev/nvme0n1 -