This is a chat application where a user inputs a username and the desired room ID, and can join the chat and communicate in real-time.
Project developed in a pair-programming session arranged by the team
The goal was to build a real-time chat interface where multiple users can interact with each other by sending messages.
- GitHub:
- Live Site:
- Frontend
- React.js
- Backend
- Node.js
- Express
- Tech
- Discord
- VS Code live-share extension
- git/Github
- Duration: 1:30
- Objectives:
- Choose project
- Plan Session platforms
- Set a schedule
- Development of project structure
- Install all needed dependencies
- Development of server
- Rough blueprint of client
- Ensure client/server communication
- Determine client states
- Work with dummy data rendering
- Deploy development version
- After Session
- John: Implement UI/UX on CHAT, Client structure
- Duration: 1:30
- Objectives:
- Integrate client
- Integrate server
- Manual testing
- Update development deployed version
- Manual live testing
- After Session
- John: Implement UI/UX on LOGIN, Client structure and clean-up
- Aryse: Transfer useState to useContext, implement auto scrolling to bottom on CHAT, delete unused dependencies
- Duration: 1hr
- Objectives:
- Code review
- Testing
- Address bugs if any found
- Deploy Production version
- Enhance documentation
- Add MIT license
- Consider future features
- Celebrate
- After Session
- John: update login card placement, enhance README docs
👉 Aryse Tansy 📧 [email protected] 💻 Portfolio
👉 John Malapit 📧 [email protected] 💻 Portfolio
MIT License Copyright (c) 2022 Aryse Gabrielle Pagano & John Malapit