WARNING: Shake.nvim currently holds text casing functions. All these functions will be moved out to https://github.com/johmsalas/text-case.nvim. And Shake.nvim will be the core for creating vim operators for LUA functions. That way, text-case.nvim will actually use behind the scenes shake.nvim. And Shake.nvim will be for more advance use
WARNING 2: This plugin has not been released. API might change. So far, there is a plan to remove the String Casing API and keybindings as stated above
Given a LUA function for trasforming strings, this module allows to apply that functions in several ways, like vim operators, apply the function on the current word, doing bulk replacement or in LuaSnippets
âś… Looking for camel case, pascal case, title case conversion? Checkout: https://github.com/johmsalas/text-case.nvim |
- Functions as vim operator
- Pending mode operator
- LSP replacement
- Bulk replacement
- Current buffer and visual selection
- Built-in functions
- String case: Camel, Pascal, Constant...
- Integration with other plugins
- TODO: Snip Lua
- TODO: Telescope
In the following code, the method toggle_boolean
changes the string from "true" to "false" and the other way around
Let's register the method and assign its keybinding to current_word
. This keybinding is repeatable (using .
), usable inside macros and applies on a word object (aw
) by default. We could also setup other keybindings to operate on the whole line, until end of line, a custom object or even the current word, but modifying it using Language Server Protocol (LSP)
For the function toggle_boolean
, features like LSP rename does not make a lot of sense, let's use only current word change
local shake = require('shake')
local toggle_boolean = shake.utils.create_wrapped_method('toggle_boolean', function(str)
local trim_info, trimmed_str = shake.utils.trim_str(str)
local result = trimmed_str
if trimmed_str == 'true' then
result = 'false'
elseif trimmed_str == 'false' then
result = 'true'
return shake.utils.untrim_str(result, trim_info)
shake.register_keybindings(toggle_boolean, {current_word = 'df'})
Example #2: Given a string represented with several variants, replace it with another string keeping the variant form
Let's say you want to replace the StepOne
component name to StudentsOnboarding
in the following piece of code, run a bulk replacement custom command, like:
:Subs/step one/students onboarding<enter>
Or even specify the visual block
Consult the bulk replacement section for implementation details
[Work in progress]
The built-in methods can be used with other plugins, in the following example, a enum value is added (in TypeScript) in its both variants, camel case and constant case.
There are some utility functions to ease such task
- Tested on Neovim 0.6+
With packer.nvim
use {
config = function()
local shake = require('shake')
shake.register_keybindings(shake.api.to_constant_case, {
current_word = 'crn',
visual = 'crn',
operator = 'cron',
lsp_rename = 'crN',
shake.register_keybindings(shake.api.to_camel_case, {
current_word = 'crc',
visual = 'crc',
operator = 'croc',
lsp_rename = 'crC',
shake.register_keybindings(shake.api.to_dash_case, {
current_word = 'crd',
visual = 'crd',
operator = 'crod',
lsp_rename = 'crD',
shake.register_keybindings(shake.api.to_pascal_case, {
current_word = 'crp',
visual = 'crp',
operator = 'crop',
lsp_rename = 'crP',
shake.register_replace_command('Subs', {
lvim.builtin.which_key.mappings["r"]["s"] = { ":lua require('shake').replace_word_under_cursor('Subs')<cr>", "Replace word under cursor" }
Add LUA functions as custom repeatable vim operators. Using shake.nvim
you get:
- Custom key binding to apply the function on:
- Current line
- Until end of line
- Given a vim object, like
- The current word, using LSP rename. Affecting the definition and its references
Suppose constant, camel and dash cases were setup using the following code
-- keys order: 'line', 'eol', 'visual', 'operator', 'lsp_rename'
shake.register_keys(shake.api.to_constant_case, {'crnn', 'crN', 'crn', 'crn', 'cRn'})
shake.register_keys(shake.api.to_camel_case, {'crcc', 'crC', 'crc', 'crc', 'cRc'})
shake.register_keys(shake.api.to_dash_case, {'crdd', 'crD', 'crd', 'crd', 'cRd'})
Or using the shortcut, which is linewise less readable, but easier to read when many functions are registered in the same block
-- keys order: 'line', 'eol', 'visual', 'operator', 'lsp_rename'
shake.register_keys(shake.api.to_constant_case, {'crnn', 'crN', 'crn', 'crn', 'cRn'})
The following examples are based on the shown configuration
Convert whole line
Convert until end of line
Convert visual selection
Given the current vim mode is visual
, use crn
It is possible to change the case, not only of the word under the cursor, but its definition and usages via LSP.
Hovering the text to change, use cRn
Given two pieces of text A and B, it searches for all of A variants (in different string cases or custom functions), and replaces the text using B. It transforms and uses B, according to the target transformation. String cases are prioritized over custom Lua functions
Suppose constant, camel and dash cases were registered under the same command Subs
. Take into account it is possible to setup multiple commands grouping different methods
shake.register_replace_command('Subs', {
Activate the search replace feature via command mode:
:Subs/{string to be replaced}/{replacement string}
Let's say you want to replace the StepOne
component name to StudentsOnboarding
in the following piece of code:
import StepOne from './components/step-one';
const SampleWizard = () => {
const [currentStep, setCurrentStep] = useState(1)
if (currentStep === steps.STEP_ONE) {
return <StepOne />
Executing :Subs/step one/students onboarding
will result into:
import StudentsOnboarding from './components/students-onboarding';
const SampleWizard = () => {
const [currentStep, setCurrentStep] = useState(1)
if (currentStep === steps.STUDENTS_ONBOARDING) {
return <StudentsOnboarding />
note: The actual component will not be renamed yet because LSP renaming is not enabled for bulk replacement
Case | Example | Method |
Upper case | LOREM IPSUM | shake.api.to_constant_case |
Lower case | lorem ipsum | shake.api.to_lower_case |
Snake case | lorem_ipsum | shake.api.to_snake_case |
Dash case | lorem-ipsum | shake.api.to_dash_case |
Constant case | LOREM_IPSUM | shake.api.to_constant_case |
Dot case | lorem.ipsum | shake.api.to_dot_case |
Camel case | loremIpsum | shake.api.to_camel_case |
Pascal case | LoremIpsum | shake.api.to_pascal_case |
Title case | Lorem Ipsum | shake.api.to_title_case |
Path case | lorem/ipsum | shake.api.to_path_case |
Phrase case | Lorem ipsum | shake.api.to_phrase_case |
Not stable, work in progress
local shake = require('shake')
local to_dash_case = shake.api.to_dash_case
local to_constant_case = shake.api.to_constant_case
local flatten_multilines = shake.sniplua.flatten_multilines
local from_snip_input = shake.sniplua.from_snip_input
typescript = {
s("eci", fmt("{}: '{}',", {i(1), f(from_snip_input(to_dash_case), {1})})),
s("ecp", fmt("{}: '{}',", {
Start vim and the module for testing
nvim --cmd "set rtp+=/path/to/the/module"
To remove the cache of the module
:lua package.loaded['shake'] = nil
Run the tests nvim --headless --noplugin -u tests/minimal.vim -c "PlenaryBustedDirectory tests/ {minimal_init = 'tests/minimal.vim'}"
- [WIP] Beta testing: Currently checking if the triggers make sense
- [WIP] Beta testing: Getting feedback if the string case algorithm work as expected
- Bulk replacement: LSP support
- Bulk replacement: Hightlight replicable strings
- Bulk replacement: Interactive mode
- Support Telescope
- Verify format of prefixes
Inspired by substitute.lua