makes it possible to write fragment shaders using simple Haskell expressions.
The function runShader :: (Int, Int) -> Shader (V4 Float) -> IO ()
is used to render the shader on window with specific width and height, where Shader (V4 Float)
is the expressed color for each pixel.
OpenGL and GLSL is the API used with the help of GLFW-b for handling the window and such.
This project was mainly for learning more on writing DSLs in Haskell. Some features from GLSL are missing, for example data types and functions for matrices. There are also room for optimization. The transpiled code gets exponentially bigger in relation to the expressions written in Haskell. The same expressions are repeated in GLSL. This could be solved by combining similar expressions to variable assignments and methods, but this was beyond the scope for this project.
tile :: Shader (V2 Float) -> Shader (V2 Float) -> Shader (V2 Float)
tile uv zoom = fract (uv * zoom)
marbles :: Shader (V4 Float)
marbles =
let zoom = 10
speed = 1
time' = time * (speed / zoom)
offsetX = time' * sign (S.mod (_y uvY * zoom) 2 * 0.5 - 0.5) * (1 - step 1 (S.mod (time' * zoom) 2))
offsetY = time' * sign (S.mod (_x uvY * zoom) 2 * 0.5 - 0.5) * step 1 (S.mod (time' * zoom) 2)
offset = vec2 offsetX offsetY
uvTiled = tile (uvY + offset) (vec2 zoom zoom)
dist = S.length $ 0.5 - uvTiled
shine = 1.2 * pow (1 - S.length (0.6 - uvTiled)) 4
ball = step 0.4 dist + shine * (1 - step 0.4 dist)
in vec4 ball ball ball 1
random :: Shader (V2 Float) -> Shader Float
random v = fract $ 43758.5453 * (sin . dot v $ vec2 12.9898 78.233)
sstep :: (Fractional a, Eq a, GenType Float a) => Shader a -> Shader a -> Shader a
sstep edge x = smoothstep (edge - 0.04) (edge + 0.04) x
bamboo :: Shader (V4 Float)
bamboo =
let zoom = vec2 30 12
uv' = vec2 (_x uvX + 0.01 * time) (_y uvX)
index = S.floor (uv' * zoom)
rand = random $ vec2 (_x index) (_x index)
uv'' = vec2 (_x uv') (_y uv' + rand - time * rand * 0.02)
curve = 0.1
ySpacing = 0.01
xSpacing = 0.2
uvt = tile uv'' zoom
yPi = pi * _y uvt
mask = sstep (sin yPi * curve) (_x uvt - xSpacing)
* sstep (_x uvt + xSpacing) (1 - sin yPi * curve)
* sstep ySpacing (_y uvt)
* sstep (_y uvt) (1 - ySpacing)
bg = vec4 0.1 0.2 0.1 1
colorA = vec4 0.8353 0.7882 0.1451 1
colorB = vec4 0.4824 0.8392 0.149 1
color = mix' colorA colorB rand
in mix' bg color mask