This is a PowerShell script module to extract API Management to ARM templates, focus is to provide a module for easy deployments.
Install from PowerShell Gallery
PS> Install-Module -Name APIManagementTemplate
Update to latest version from PowerShell Gallery
PS> Update-Module -Name APIManagementTemplate
Install-Module is part of PowerShellGet which is included on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. See this link for installation instructions on older platforms.
Import without installing
Clone the project, open, and build.
Open PowerShell and Import the module:
Import-Module C:\{pathToSolution}\APIManagementARMTemplateCreator\APIManagementTemplate\bin\Debug\APIManagementTemplate.dll
Run the PowerShell command Get-APIManagementTemplate
. You can pipe the output as needed, and recommended you pipe in a token from armclient
armclient token 80d4fe69-xxxx-4dd2-a938-9250f1c8ab03 | Get-APIManagementTemplate -APIManagement MyApiManagementInstance -ResourceGroup myResourceGroup -SubscriptionId 80d4fe69-xxxx-4dd2-a938-9250f1c8ab03 | Out-File C:\template.json
Example when user is connected to multitenants:
Get-APIManagementTemplate -APIManagement MyApiManagementInstance -ResourceGroup myResourceGroup -SubscriptionId 80d4fe69-xxxx-4dd2-a938-9250f1c8ab03 -TenantName
Parameter | Description | Required |
APIManagement | Name of the API Management instance | true |
ResourceGroup | The name of the Resource Group | true |
SubscriptionId | The Subscription id (guid) | true |
TenantName | Name of the Tenant i.e. | false |
APIFilters | Filter for what API's to exort i.e: path eq 'api/v1/currencyconverter' or endswith(path,'currencyconverter') | false |
ExportAuthroizationServers | Flag inidicating if Authroization servers should be exported, default true | false |
ExportPIManagementInstance | Flag inidicating if the API Management instance should be exported, default true | false |
ExportGroups | Flag inidicating if Groups should be exported, default true | false |
ExportProducts | Flag inidicating if Products should be exported, default true | false |
Token | An AAD Token to access the resources - should not include Bearer , only the token |
false |
ParametrizePropertiesOnly | If parameters only should be created for properties such as names of apim services or logic apps and not names of groups, apis or products | false |
ReplaceSetBackendServiceBaseUrlWithProperty | If the base-url of with should be replaced with a property instead of a parameter. If this is false you will not be able to set SeparatePolicyFile=true for Write-APIManagementTemplates when you have set-backend-service with base-url-attribute in a policy | false |
FixedServiceNameParameter | True if the parameter for the name of the service should have a fixed name (apimServiceName). Otherwise the parameter name will depend on the name of the service (service_PreDemoTest_name) | false |
CreateApplicationInsightsInstance | If an Application Insights instance should be created when used by a logger. Otherwise you need to provide the instrumentation key of an existing Application Insights instance as a parameter | false |
DebugOutPutFolder | If set, result from rest interface will be saved to this folder | false |
ApiVersion | If set, api result will be filtered based on this value i.e: v2 | false |
ClaimsDump | A dump of claims piped in from armclient - should not be manually set |
false |
ParameterizeBackendFunctionKey | Set to 'true' if you want the backend function key to be parameterized, default false. | false |
After extraction a parameters file can be created off the ARMTemplate.
Use Write-APIManagementTemplates generate many small ARM templates (as suggested in instead of one big ARM template.
armclient token 80d4fe69-xxxx-4dd2-a938-9250f1c8ab03 | Get-APIManagementTemplate -APIManagement MyApiManagementInstance -ResourceGroup myResourceGroup -SubscriptionId 80d4fe69-xxxx-4dd2-a938-9250f1c8ab03 | Write-APIManagementTemplates -OutputDirectory C:\temp\templates -SeparatePolicyFile $true
Parameter | Description | Required | Default |
ApiStandalone | If the APIs should be able to be deployed independently of the rest of the resources | false | true |
OutputDirectory | The directory where the templates are written to | false | . |
SeparatePolicyFile | If the policies should be written to a separate xml file | false | false |
MergeTemplates | If the template already exists in the output directory, it will be merged with the new result. | false | false |
GenerateParameterFiles | If parameter files should be generated | false | false |
ReplaceListSecretsWithParameter | If the key to an Azure Function should be defined in a parameter instead of calling listsecrets | false | false |
DebugTemplateFile | If set, the input ARM template is written to this file | false | |
ARMTemplate | The ARM template piped from Get-APIManagementTemplate - should not be manually set | false |