####Short info Installation: Nuget FnX.TypedCsv + add FnX namespace.
Usage: YadaYada.Where(yadayada).OrderBy(yodayoda).Select(p=>new {foo=p.x, bar=p.y, bax=p.z}).ToTypedCsv(@"c:\my linqpad queries\some project\yadayada.linq")
Status: Works on my machine(s).
The problem it solves: dump any result from a linq query to a csv-file and automatically generate type (class) and code to be able to get the data back strongly typed.
When do I use it myself: when a customer asks me to extract and combine complex data from sql and I need to test and explore to get the correct output. With this I only need to bother the database once, and yet get the strong types to get a nice linqpad experience.
Alternative: tsql queries + perhaps temporary tables.
How much time did I spend creating it: few hours.
How much code: < 100 LOCS.
Tools: LinqPad (or VS).
Dependencies: CsvHelper.
####More info
Useful when you want to dump a snapshot of data, to be able to process it further later with type information kept, for a nice linq experience. That way you don't need to fetch the data from your database more than necessary. Reading the csv-file snapshot is very fast (using the Nuget CsvHelper).
For example (in LinqPad, with AdventureWorks data):
VEmployee.Take (100).ToTypedCsv()
The first file is the csv with the data. And the other one is a linq-file with a class generated from the query result IEnumerable + a function to read the csv file.
Simply copy the filename and open it in linqpad - then process it further with more linq.
The generated class (reflection)
public class VEmployee {
public Int32 BusinessEntityID {get;set;}
public String Title {get;set;}
public String FirstName {get;set;}
The generated sample code to read the csv and get the IEnumerable
void Main() {
var vemployeeEnumerable=GetVEmployeeRecords(@"c:\users\jonas\documents\VEmployee.csv");
public IEnumerable<VEmployee> GetVEmployeeRecords(string filePath){
using (var reader = File.OpenText(filePath)) {
var csvReader = new CsvHelper.CsvReader(File.OpenText(filePath));
return csvReader.GetRecords<VEmployee>();
You can specify the path (csv gets same path, but .csv extension):
VEmployee.Take (100).ToTypedCsv(@"c:\data\mydata.linq")
It works with anonymous types aswell (they also get translated to regular types, with the inferred property types)
You can also run it in Visual Studio (or anywhere) and generate cs-file instead of a linq:
VEmployee.Take (100).ToTypedCsv(@"c:\data\mydata.cs")
####Known limitations Does only work with flat (csv) data (no complex types).