This is an open-source warehouse management system.
- Registration of products (Brand,Type...)
- Registration, deletion of storage rooms
- Registration, update and deletion of customers
- Customer specific discount percentage
- Quantity per product in each storage room
- Summary table for all products, total quantity and storage rooms that they exist in
- Search function based on Product Code, Brand or Type
- Exact or approximate search
- Reporter frame with products that are in low quantities (shortage)
- fork the repo to your own profile
- select an issue
- create a new branch with the name "feature/issueNum_anyOtherNaming" (feature/3_myBranch)
- write your code
- commit and push to your repo
- compare and pull request against this repo's master
- Netbeans and java 8
- SQLite studio
- Do not forget to commit also the maven dependencies file if you add new dependencies!
- Never commit changes to the storage.db file, nor changes to the application main password