Deprecated and unstable but welcome any PR that fixes the vulnerabilities and updates the Puppet Manifest
Vagrant configuration with puppet to create a Virtual Box machine with Ubuntu Server 14.04, Nodejs / Redis / MongoDB
- Install Vagrant
- Install Virtual
- Clone the repository git clone git://
- Run - vagrant up
- SSH - vagrant ssh
- Halt - vagrant halt
access mongo and redis from your machine:
- redis.cli h localhost -p 6379
- mongo localhost 27017
attention: you may have this ports occupied by your installations for redis and mongodb in your machine
by default this vagrantfile have this configuration for shared folder between the host and the VM config.vm.synced_folder "~/Projects", "/vagrant"
Puppet Manifest will install:
- n a node.js version management
- Redis - last stable release
- MongoDB - 2.6.*
- wget
- git
- vim htop
- g++
Good hacking!!!!!!!!