This project was generated with Angular CLI version 6.0.5.
Install via npm:
npm install --save-dev angular2-slideshow
Import in your module
import { CarouselModule } from 'angular2-slideshow';
imports: [
<app-ng2-carousel [slides]="arrayImages" [properties]="properties"></app-ng2-carousel>
array of images
arrayImages = [
{image: 'foto1.jpg'},
{image: 'foto2.jpg'},
{image: 'foto3.jpg'}
object with carousel features
properties = {
photoInterval: 3000, // Timeout of photo change
loopSlides: false, // Carousel will be looped in images, getting false, it will stop in the last image
bulletNavigation: true, // Enable bullets
textInformation: false, // Text with some image information
styleBulletNavigation: 'circle' // Bullets style, there are 3, circle, squad and big_squad
Hovering the cursor above image will stop transition. Leave the cursor to enable transition again.