MACHine for data processing.
A Nim REST backend service with CORS.
Using a MySQL\MariaDB relational database for data storage.
Take a look at fronted (in Next.js).
git clone
cd mach
nimble install --depsOnly
nimble test
nimble build
mysql -hlocalhost -P3306 -uroot -ppandora -e"source config/0_mach_user.sql;"
mysql -hlocalhost -P3306 -umach_dev -pmach_dev123 mach_dev -e"source config/1_mach_schema.sql;"
nimble run mach config/dev_localhost.cfg
- get Jerry tenant details
curl localhost:5100/tenant/Jerry
- create tenant Tom
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"name\":\"Tom\"}" localhost:5100/tenant
- get tenant 2
curl localhost:5100/tenant/2
- update tenant 2, change name from tom to jerry
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"id\":2, \"name\":\"Jerry\"}" localhost:5100/tenant/2
- upload files to tenant jerry
curl -X POST -F files=@tests/1.txt -F files=@tests/2.txt localhost:5100/tenant/jerry/upload
- delete tenant 1
curl -X DELETE localhost:5100/tenant/1
- if the corsDomain parameter is set the Origin Header must defined accordingly
curl -H "Origin: http://localhost:3000" localhost:5100/tenant
I'm using Visual Studio Code, in a Ubuntu Linux, and the excelent Nim extension (v0.6.6) by Konstantin Zaitsev.
The code is manged in git (github).
To build and run current nim file press F6 (using the Nim 0.6.6 extension).
Remove the Powershell alias to curl.
By default the curl command in Powershell is redirected to Invoke-WebRequest. Which has completely different sintax from curl.
Deleting the alias enables us to use the original curl command (if installed and set in PATH) from Powershell.