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A pan-cancer platform for mutation prediction from routine histology


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This is a pan-cancer platform for mutation prediction from routine histology by the Kather lab ( It is implemented in MATLAB and requires version R2019a+ (for some types of visualization, R2019b+; the code is tested up to R2020b). The following Matlab toolboxes are required: Image processing toolbox, Deep learning toolbox, Parallel processing toolbox; also, shufflenet model from the Matlab Add-On manager.


Briefly, to use these scripts, you should

  1. prepare your data according to the Aachen protocol as described here:
  2. prepare an "experiment file" which specifies the name of the project, the location of the tiles and the targets to be predicted
  3. run autoDeepLearn('experiment','') to run a cross-validated experiment
  4. visualize the results with autoVisualize('experiment','')

An example for a possible data structure (project TCGA-CRC-DX) is:

  • experiment file 'tcga-crc-generated' is located in './experiments'
  • CLINI table 'TCGA-CRC-DX_CLINI.xlsx' is located in './cliniData' and has a column called PATIENT
  • SLIDE table 'TCGA-CRC-DX_SLIDE.csv' is located in './cliniData' and has a column called PATIENT and a column called FILENAME
  • image tiles were generated with QuPath, are named according to the Aachen protocol and are located at 'E:/TCGA-CRC-DX/BLOCKS/'


This project is constantly evolving and is being updated regularly. To reproduce our previous research findings, you can use "frozen" releases of the code.

  • v0.2 was used for the project "Pan-cancer image-based detection of clinically actionable genetic alterations"

more info:

Main scripts and their input arguments


This is the main function for training networks and to evaluate networks via cross-validation.

Argument Default Value Description
experiment '' which experiment to load
gpuDev 1 GPU Device (1 or greater)
maxBlockNum 1000 number of blocks (tiles) per whole slide image, upper limit for computational efficiency, applies in any mode (xval, deploy, train-test, ...)
trainFull false train on full dataset after xval
modelTemplate shufflenet512 which pretrained model, possible options are defined in getAndModifyNet()
backwards false for each experiment, work backwards in the list of targets
binarizeQuantile [] split high/low at this quantile, possible options: floating point number between 0 and 0.5 or empty (use mean)
foldxval 3 if cross validation is used, this is the fold, possible option: any positive integer. If this is 0, no cross validation will be done.
aggregateMode majority how to pool block predictions per patient, possible otions: 'majority', 'ignoreClass' (variant of majority, see below), 'mean' or 'max'
tableModeClini XLSX file format of clinical table, XLSX or CSV
hyper default set of hyperparameters as defined in getDeepHyperparameters(), possible options: default, lowresource or verylowresource
valSet [] validation set proportion of training set to stop training early
filterBlocks can be 'normalized' or 'stroma' or 'tumor' for specific training tasks. Default: empty.
subsetTargetsBy [] subset the patients by a variable
subsetTargetsLevel [] subset the patients by this level in the variable
skipExistingTargets false skip target prediction if result file exists
forgiveError false ignore errors during training and go on to the next task
maxBlocksPerClass 1e9 hard limit on the number of tiles per class, with default this will never be reached; if you set this to lower values this will enforce additional random undersampling (in xval mode only!)
nBootstrapAUC 10 bootstrap number to calculate AUROC confidence intervals
whichIgnoreClass '' ignore this class for score calculation (e.g. this is a neutral class such as "no_tumor".) This will NOT be used as a negative class for all the other classes. Only works if aggregateMode == ignoreClass


This function will use a trained network and allows to deploy it on a different patient cohort.

Argument Default Value Description
trainedModelID [] use a previously trained model for deployment
trainedModelFolder [] path to previously trained model for deployment


This function will load results from the 'DUMP' folder and create plots.

Argument Default Value Description
doPlot false show the ROC curve on screen
doPrint false save the ROC to PDF and Imgs to PNG
plotThreshold false plot the operating threshold on top
exportBlockPred false save CSV file for maps
exportTopTiles 0 save top tiles
topPatients 3 showcase tiles from these patients
plotFontSize 12 font size for plots
saveFormat v6 version of results file (debug only)
plotAUCthreshold 0.75 detailed visualization only for high performance targets
onlyExplicitTargets true visualize only targets specified in experiment file
debugMode false debug mode


This function will normalize tile images with the Macenko method. Caution: This function relies on third party subroutines in "./subroutines_normalization" - please observe the third party license in that sub-folder.

Argument Default Value Description
experiment '' name of the experiment file
numParWorkers 1 number of parallel CPUs (requires Parallel Processing Toolbox)


See separate License file which applies to all files within this repository unless noted otherwise. Please note that some functions in the subroutine folder are from third party sources and have their own license included in the file.


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A pan-cancer platform for mutation prediction from routine histology







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