This repository provides a library and executable for converting regular expressions into nondeterministic finite automata (NFAs) using Glushkov's construction, for converting NFAs into DFAs using the powerset construction, for minimizing DFAs using Brzozowski's algorithm and for formatting the NFAs using DOT so that they can be displayed using graphviz.
The easiest way to try the code is to use the web UI written by Joel Jakobsson.
The re-nfa
executable accepts a single regular expression argument
and prints a DOT graph for the corresponding NFA or DFA to standard
output. For example, the following command
re-nfa "a*b"
produces the following output.
digraph {
"rankdir" = "LR";
node [ "shape" = "none";] ""
node [ "shape" = "circle";] "1"
node [ "shape" = "doublecircle";] "2"
node [ "shape" = "circle";] "0"
"" -> "0"
"1" -> "2" [ "label" = "b";]
"0" -> "2" [ "label" = "b";]
"1" -> "1" [ "label" = "a";]
"0" -> "1" [ "label" = "a";]
To display the corresponding DFA or minimized DFA, pass the -type
re-nfa -type dfa "a*b"
re-nfa -type dfa-minimized "a*b"
On a Unix system you might pipe the output directly to dot
, and then
on to display
, like this:
re-nfa "a*b" | dot -Tpng | display
to display the following graph:
Here is the minimized version:
Here is a more complex graph constructed from the regex a?a?a?aaa
that causes pathological backtracking behaviour in some engines, as described in Russ Cox's article Regular Expression Matching Can Be Simple And Fast:
and here is the corresponding DFA:
This repository also provides a library interface. The Regex
module provides an ocaml-re
-style combinator interface for constructing regular expressions
seq (star (chr 'a')) (chr 'b') (* a*b *)
as well as functions parse
and compile
for building a regular
expression from a string and for turning a regular expression into an
val parse : string -> t
val compile : t -> Nfa.nfa
The Nfa
module provides a function for testing whether an NFA
accepts a string (represented as a list of characters):
val accept : Nfa.t -> char list -> bool
The Nfa_dot
module provides functions for converting NFAs
to DOT directed graphs and for pretty-printing the graphs:
val digraph_of_nfa : Nfa.nfa -> digraph
val format_digraph : Format.formatter -> digraph -> unit
The Dfa
module provides functions for converting between NFAs and DFAs,
a DFA minimization function, and and an accept
function for DFAs
val determinize : Nfa.nfa -> dfa
val inject : dfa -> Nfa.nfa
val minimize : dfa -> dfa
val accept : dfa -> char list -> bool
The code in this repository is an extracted and extended portion of an exercise from a 2018 advanced functional programming course. If you're interested in learning MetaOCaml then you may enjoy completing the original exercise, perhaps after reading the course notes.
Knowing the provenance of the code helps in understanding some of the choices made.
For example, there are several algorithms for constructing NFAs, but Glushkov's has a property that turns out to be convenient for the exercise: it constructs an automaton without ε-transitions.
Additionally, the code here is not especially efficient; the remainder of the original exercise involves using multi-stage programming to turn the rather inefficient NFA interpreter into a compiler that produces rather efficient code --- typically more efficient than production regex engines. (Similar transformations using Scala LMS are also described in the literature: see Optimizing data structures in high-level programs: New directions for extensible compilers based on staging (Rompf et al. 2013))
The re-nfa
library and executable can be installed via OPAM
pinning this repository:
opam pin add re-nfa
A ReasonML port of this project is available.