Code Off is an initiative that challenges developers to take 30 minutes off a Friday afternoon to work on something interesting with their peers. Code Off also aims to help developers expand their Github portfolio and collaborate with the development community. Each Friday afternoon at 15:30 CAT a new problem will be released on Github. Fork the repository, and get started. The automated leaderboard is still in development. We encourage you to collaborate with other developers on Github.
Fork the Code Off repo and push your solution to your fork.
The leaderboard is currently outdated and we're in the process of automating and updating it. Please send through any suggestions to info[at]prolificidea[dot]com
You're competing in a battle on a far away planet and you're in some trouble. You need to send a distress call to your home base for reinforcements, however, enemy agents are listening. Luckily your team have a secret encoding for messages. It's Morse code with further obfuscation.
Translate the alphabet based sentence to Morse code, then, obfuscate the Morse code. Below is the international Morse code translations. Separate letters with pipe (|), and separate words with forward slash (/).
- A .-
- B -...
- C -.-.
- D -..
- E .
- F ..-.
- G --.
- H ....
- I ..
- J .---
- K -.-
- L .-..
- M --
- N -.
- O ---
- P .--.
- Q --.-
- R .-.
- S ...
- T -
- U ..-
- V ...-
- W .--
- X -..-
- Y -.--
- Z --..
- 0 -----
- 1 .----
- 2 ..---
- 3 ...--
- 4 ....-
- 5 .....
- 6 -....
- 7 --...
- 8 ---..
- 9 ----.
- Fullstop .-.-.-
- Comma --..--
For obfuscation, your team decided to replace the number of consecutive dots with a number, and replace the number of consecutive dashes with the letter of the alphabet at that position. E.g. S = ... = 3, Q = --.- = b1a, F = ..-. = 2a1.
Sentence: I AM IN TROUBLE Morse Code: ../.-|--/..|-./-|.-.|---|..-|-...|.-..|. Obfuscated Morse Code: 2/1A|B/2|A1/A|1A1|C|2A|A3|1A2|1
An example input text file:
A text file in the following format: